Sati Casanova: "I'm calm about the jewels"


It was worth the singer to get from the covers the objects of your collection, as the feeling immediately arose that we were in the magic cave Ali Baba: Necklaces, bracelets, all sorts of earrings, rings, rings, necklace ... What is there just no! And when our heroine began to talk about decorations, she immediately became similar to the eastern princess. In her meeting, they found their place as exclusive design work, very expensive products and original trinkets, which, despite the external attractiveness, did not require major costs. Each of these things have its own story, and some of them told Sati.

Sati Kazanova: "I since childhood I liked everything beautiful and brilliant. When I was about five years old, I had a box, in which I folded various beads, beads, shining whiskers. They seemed to me real jewels. And I was upset if someone considered or touched my treasures. And once my mother threw my collection. For me it was a real tragedy, I was very worried, cried. Maybe my love for decorations then originated. It is just an interest in such trinkets as a fact, and I do not mind. "

But you have already collected an impressive collection.

Sati: "I don't know if my passion can be called collecting in the literal sense of the word. After all, as a rule, people who are seriously engaged in collecting, carefully keep the subjects of their passion, dust blowing with them, study, and they are unlikely to come to mind to use them in their destination, in everyday life. I love ethnic ornaments, collect them. But at the same time they in the case, I put them in with one or another outfit. And although I try to treat them carefully, there were cases when some items broke, rushed. And unfortunately, you can not always restore them. "

And what do you do in such cases?

Sati: "If the product is clearly not subject to restoration, then most often throw out. No matter how sorry. True, his place soon occupies a new, no less interesting copy. "

Sati Casanova:

"This is the minimum of jewelry that Indian women put on." Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky: Makeup and Hairstyles: Elena Nefedova.

And where did your collection start?

Sati: "Four years ago My dredging designer Madina Sarlp gave me a necklace - leather, topped with beads. This is the result of a very painstaking handmade. I can't even imagine how much strength and patience was needed to create such beauty. In general, I believe that a lot depends on the master who worries over the decoration. If he puts his soul into him, it becomes special. This necklace was made with love. And it is very expensive to me. By the way, in addition to creating Madina jewelry, also sews national, stylized under the ethnic dresses. Sometime she sewed a wonderful wedding toilet to me, but I didn't get married then. I returned her outfit, saying: "Sell someone." But we have an agreement with her that the dress of the bride is from her wedding. " (Laughs.)

I noticed that you have not only Kabardian decorations in the collection ...

Sati: "Yes. Moreover, it is the Kabardian to exist so much. These include silver belt, bib and hat, embroidered with gold or silver threads. Of course, now it is most often possible to meet modern styling, after the delegation of the original there is practically no left. "

Are there any distinctive features that are peculiar only to Kabardian decorations?

Sati: "Of course. For example, take the necklace donated by Madina, which I really like: on the one hand, luxury, and on the other - restraint. It is beautiful, but at the same time non-worn. If we take our Caucasian, Adyg ethnos, then colors are usually used calm, forms are rounded. And modern masters do not violate these traditions. So, I have one decoration - plastic, with the National Adygh ornament. This is the work of designer Suzanne Maker. But Indian things are completely different, I would even say - the opposite is the opposite. Very bright, catchy. They can also be found without difficulty. "

Sati Casanova:

These earrings were used on the shooting of the clip "Dura", but Sati they liked so much that she added them to her "treasures." Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky: Makeup and Hairstyles: Elena Nefedova.

Do you wear them too? Or did they just take a place in your collection?


"Of course, I use them. Somehow, I decided to go on a dress stylized under Sari to the Muz-TV awards ceremony, and it was necessary to choose the corresponding jewelry. I found a girl on the Internet that brings various goods from India, and it acquired two sets of national jewelry. They look awesome! True, later, being on the island of Mauritius, I saw a similar set in the store and looking at the price, I realized that I paid in Moscow once in ten more real cost. But I do not regret! First, these decorations are very beautiful, and secondly, I bought them just at the moment when they were needed. By the way, now for the photo shoot, I tried out the Indian set - so, this is the minimum that Indian women are on holidays. Usually they are with legs to the head in various baubles, there is no living space: hair, neck, ears, hands, fingers, ankles - everything is carried by decorations. So I have something to replenish my collection. (Laughs.) And gradually it expands. So, for example, a girlfriend brought me from the French city of Cannes a stunning Indian bracelet. "

That is, in your meeting a lot not only bought on your own, but also donated things?

Sati: "Enough. This, for example, the diadem made in the form of Egyptian tiara. At your thirty years I decided to make a holiday in a carnival genre, with dressing up. And in the first way, in which I was brought before the guests, Cleopatra was. And none of the guests did not know which heroin I would choose. And suddenly, Evgeny Lenovich, a fairly famous secular person who is engaged in the creation of original hats, gives me the "crown of Cleopatra" performed by it. You can't do this and under the order, it was necessary to guess so! "

Sati Casanova:

"Necklace I received a birthday party from my girlfriend, Designer Natalia Senichkina. It helps me great. " Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Maybe someone whispered to her that you are going to appear in the form of the queen of Egypt ...

Sati: "I think everything is explained much easier. We very often break your head over what to give to loved ones. And if you listen not to the voice of the mind, but to the voice of the heart, you will certainly find exactly what the person will have to do with the dear. You just feel what he likes. "

Therefore, the decorations presented by friends always correspond to your personal preferences?

Sati: "Yes. But there are those that I can say, scored. (Laughs.) One of my friend, Ayia, arrived from Milan, and at our meeting I immediately rushed into the eyes of her earrings - beautiful and original. I sincerely expressed my admiration with them. And suddenly before leaving she gives me them. Says: "I want to make you a pleasant, and I saw you liked these earrings. Let them stay with you. " I first refused, but if something is presented with such heartiness, then any gift is becoming even more value. I have another "dropped" earrings. I was offered to put on them for a fashion session of a fashion magazine. And after asked what I think about them. And I honestly admitted that they really liked me. And then I was presented with me. "

Do you always accept such presents?

Sati: "No. And it's not even that I like that or another thing. It all depends on the donor. It is important for me who and why makes this gesture. You feel the attitude of a person, and if he does it sincerely, to just please you, without any rear thought, then such a gift is pleasant. Otherwise, I will never take a gift. Regardless of how expensive it costs. I'm not even sure that I would like to taste, because every decoration carries emotions and the energy of the one who did it, chose in the store, passed you from hand to hand. "

These vintage earrings are a trophy from Milan. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

These vintage earrings are a trophy from Milan. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Does it happen that on the set of programs or clips did you try to decorate with whom I did not want to part?

Sati: "Yes. It happened with the earrings in which I starred in the clip "Dura", - they are elegant, original, also in style ethno. Therefore, I remained, and I love them with pleasure. "

Ethnic baubles are mostly jewelry. And the precious stones are you indifferent?

Sati: "I calmly treat them, the thing itself is important for me - as she looks like I feel it - and not the stone in the frame. I have decorations and with precious stones. For example, rings purchased from another friend of my friend, thanks to their works under the QueensBee brand world famous, - Yulia Kharitonova. I like these products so much that I will someday buy everything from Julia! By the way, choosing decorations, you must not forget that each stone carries its symbolism and has its own strength. It is necessary to relate to this. It is important that exactly you hang yourself on your neck or put on your hand. This may be even dangerous. There are stones that excite, enhance emotions, and if a person needs calm, then such a ring or pendant can cause, to put it mildly, discomfort or poor well-being. Every person approaches his jewels, and we have to wear them with the mind. So, I have a friend who understands this issue, and I always listen to her advice about the ring with which pebble to wear and even on what finger it is better to wear it. In general, before it was a whole science, and people followed. "

And the ornament, which is used in ethnic ornaments, also carries some sense in herself?

Sati: "Of course. In addition to beauty, it is often in it and some symbols - the sun, energy, strength, spiritual health. True, so far I have not deep enough to speak this topic, but only engage in its study. Believe me, it is very interesting and useful. I read a lot about it, I watch photos, I recognize something on travels. For example, recently, on the trip towards the north of France, I had a chance to get acquainted with the Norman and Celtic culture, including with symbols, many of which are present in national ornaments and, accordingly, in jewelry. Among other things, two symbols are often used, very similar to each other. At the heart of each of them - a spiral, but in one case it is twisted inside, in the other - outward. And the values ​​are polarly different: if the first is a symbol of accumulation, attracting energy, then the second is its return. "

For Indian singer's earrings paid ten times more expensive than their real value. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

For Indian singer's earrings paid ten times more expensive than their real value. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Something brought from this trip?

Sati: "Of course. Bought a ring with the Celtic Energy accumulation symbol, already knowing its meaning. But most often you choose some decoration purely intuitively, at the subconscious level - and also not mistaken. "

And how often do you wear ornaments from your collection?

Sati: "Almost every day I choose something, depending on where I am going and what the clothes will be on me. Of course, some necklaces, bracelets can be put on only to a party, on the stage, on the shooting of the program, on the star path and under the appropriate outfit. But I also have decorations, which in everyday life look organically and to the place. So, with jeans or with dresses under the throat, I most often wear a necklace that I did and gave me a birthday for another my girlfriend, Designer Natalia Senichkin. "

Many collectors purposefully search for some specific specimens that want to replenish their assembly. And you?

Sati: "No. Often it generally happens spontaneously. I can see in the store some bauble, which will chase me for living, and buy it. So I had vintage earrings from Milan. Moreover, the cost of things is not so important. I am not from those who believe that the more expensive, the better. For example, some earrings are purchased in the Moscow store, where I wandered by chance, they cost it inexpensively, but at the same time I literally fell in love with them and adore them so far. For me, valuable to decorating were reflected and continuing me. "

The necklace was performed by the Kabardian designer of the national outfits of Madina Sarallp, the ring - the creation of a friend of the singer Julia Kharitonova, the Indian bracelet was acquired by Casanova in Cannes, and the artist earrings bought in one of the Moscow stores. Photo: Sergey Ko

The necklace was performed by the Kabardian designer of the national outfits of Madina Sarallp, the ring - the creation of a friend of the singer Julia Kharitonova, the Indian bracelet was acquired by Casanova in Cannes, and the artist earrings bought in one of the Moscow stores. Photo: Sergey Ko

Do you already know how to replenish your collection in the near future?


"What exactly is not, but that in large quantities is sure. (Laughs.) Soon I am going to India and I know that there will take a lot of decorations there. Even in the closet, specially three shelves looked at the expanding meeting. He myself adds to himself: Soon, I will have jeans here, a couple of T-shirts, and everything else is decorations. "

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