Basque Country - Uncharted Part of Spain


The trip to Basque is best started from the city of Bilbao - being here, you will immediately feel that elusive, but meanwhile, the obvious difference that distinguishes this region from all the rest of Spain. There are other people, other architecture, other food, other customs that the local population is holy honorable. Two languages ​​are used here - Spanish and Basque, here the rich legacy of the past eras is adjacent to the most modern innovations both in design and in the infrastructure of the city. And it is precisely this bizarre combination - solid antiquity, ancient traditions and high technologies - produces the first and strongest impression. I want to explore this amazing place along and across, to absorb his indescribable atmosphere.

Start acquaintance best from the Guggenheim Museum - Pearl Bilbao, because it was from the moment of its discovery (a little more than twenty years ago) and the grandiose rapid revival of the city began and the tourist boom followed him. The building of the famous Frank Geri is striking at first sight - for the bizarre outlines, local residents call it and swimming fish, and a spacecraft, and even artichoke. The trimmed with titanium plates, this construction has an amazing ability to refract and reflect the rays of light in such a way that almost every minute the appearance changes depending on the illumination. Before entering you, you will meet a huge PAPP puppy - a thirteen meter sculpture-flower bed of the American artist Jeff Kuns, created from Anyutiniye. They bloom almost all year round, and the plants are constantly updated, so the dog always looks different, but it is always cute and multicolored. On the other side of the museum, on the embankment, the ominous figure of the spider, especially spectacular in the rays of the setting sun. Despite the awesome appearance, the art facility carries the most peaceful concept - after all, this is a monument ... Mother. Yes, yes, because under a small belly insect, high above the head of passersby, there is an egg masonry that this formidable monster protects with all self-dedication of the maternal heart.

Enotourism here is very popular. In just one or two days you can travel the famous local winery - Bodegi. Photo: Catherine Gingerbread.

Enotourism here is very popular. In just one or two days you can travel the famous local winery - Bodegi. Photo: Catherine Gingerbread.

The "filling" of the building is no less impressive than its inspection outside. In addition to the most interesting main exposition, exhibitions of cult representatives of contemporary art are constantly held here, causing the unchanging interest to the public.

A separate chapter can be written about Bilbao bridges - both ultra-modern (for example subisuri), giving the city of urbanistic outlines and old, attracting primarily by their archaic. So, the Biscay Bridge is worthy of ride on the outskirts of the city, climb the exciting height and go over the river Nervion, enjoying panoramic views. The metal structures of the bridge resembling the Eiffel Tower were built hundred and twenty years ago (this is the world's oldest bridge conveyor included in the UNESCO World Heritage List), and in its lower part there is still suspended ferry-gondola - in the past century it was The main means of moving from one shore to another, but also now enjoys stable popularity in both tourists and local motorists.

After a walk through the old town with its magnificent monuments of medieval architecture, do not forget to look at the Campos-Aliceos Theater, the Museum of Fine Arts (El Greco and Hogen are worth it!), To the station Concordia, as well as in the Alonging Multi-Figure Center, located in the Old Building Wine warehouse. Now, here is the public library with the most modern equipment, no less large-scale fitness center, on the roof - an outdoor pool with a transparent bottom (!), An interesting exposition of the design columns and one of the best restaurants in the city - Yandiola, where you can enjoy dishes not only classic cuisine ( For example, hack melting in the mouth under the creamy sauce), but also so trendy now molecular. And in the evening, be sure to look at Iruna, one of the oldest cafes of the city with a lace Moroccan interior and a cheerful public to drink a glass-other wonderful nectar - local wines of Chakoli. Or in the homely cozy restaurant El Viejo Zortzi, where such anchovies are served, what, I assure you, you never tried in my life.

Large-scale stained glass window at Concordia train station. Photo: Catherine Gingerbread.

Large-scale stained glass window at Concordia train station. Photo: Catherine Gingerbread.

By the way, those who seek to receive not only cultural impressions, I highly recommend going to the wine tour of Rioha-Alashes region. Ethnotourism here is extremely popular! In just one or two days, you can travel the most famous local winery - Bodiege - and join the sacrament of the birth of a drinking drink. Each of them is worthy of attention: Some resemble ancient stone basements, others - innovative laboratories made of glass and titanium. But regardless of the external design, they are all equipped with the latest technology - to the production of wine here are among the seriousness. Here are the wines of the Kranian and Reserve category, awarded various premiums of the world. However, do not be fond of tastings - let yourself enjoy the colorful landscapes and small medieval cities, obscured by the fortress walls: stroll through the narrow streets, listen to how they beat the clock on the main square. In one of these towns - La Guardia - be sure to visit the local Church of Santa Maria de Los Reyes, its delicious stone portal of the XIV century is available for inspecting tourists strictly on schedule, but it is worth it. And the breathtaking panoramic views of the Cantabrian Mountains and endless vineyards, opening from the observation deck, at your disposal all day.

The next item of the route is the administrative capital of the country of Basque Vitoria-Gasteis, the most green city of Europe. Here, just a few kilometers from the center, deer live, and in the Salbouru Park you can watch a large number of birds, enjoying the harmony of nature. Inside the Green Shell is medieval almonds - the old part of the city, which is so called for its oval contour. The main pride of local residents is the Cathedral of Santa Maria. Because of numerous add-ons, the ancient foundation of the structure has undergone deformation, cracks appeared in the walls, and for many years there are construction work on the reconstruction of the building. However, this is not preventing excursions here (at the entrance to each tourist give a protective helmet) and demonstrate to visitors as modern engineering thought recreates unique monuments of past centuries.

Molecular cuisine is always a big surprise. Photo: Catherine Gingerbread.

Molecular cuisine is always a big surprise. Photo: Catherine Gingerbread.

The final chord of the journey, of course, will be San Sebastian - a fairy tale city, a dream city, the secular capital of the Basque Country. The famous film festival is held here, from the magnificence of nature and the noise of the surf here is a head here, and in the center of the day and night the revival reigns, which is not surprising, because connoisseurs of beautiful from all over the world come here. In addition to the rich old architecture, there are plenty of opportunities to please yourself. Exhibitions, concerts, festivals of jazz and classical music for corrugated consumers of spiritual food. Beautiful spacious beaches - for vibrant fans of water sports. All sipping, thalassotherapy centers, gambling and productive shopping - for persistent adepts of Glamor. Leisure walks along the embankment - for relaxed Sibarites. Night discos and pubs - for eternal students. And of course, endless, with nothing with a comparable holiday of the stomach - for true hedonists! In the Basque Country, a real food cult, here each resident is a magnificent cook, and cooking is elevated to the rank of science. In San Sebastian, for example, three restaurants with three hundred Michelin - as in Paris. And in just the city there are already sixteen. Favorite delicacy of local residents - Little snacks Pinchos - Be sure to try, drinking them with chakoli or sidrome, and at the same time preferably (by local tradition) constantly move from one institution to another. What is just not in this city for a decisive gourmet: the already mentioned molecular cuisine, and the fish menu, and the richest range of small Sirry and grills, and the freshest products from rural estates, and local delicacies ... All this will surely make you remember the country of basque as one of The most welcoming and grateful places on Earth.

Catherine Gingerbread

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