How to teach your hair to rare wash?


Why do you quickly get hair dirty? Because daily washing activates the sebaceous glands, and the hair becomes fatter. Therefore, this is a purely personal matter of everyone - to teach or not. Short hair is easy to wash every day, but when the hair is longer than shoulders ...

So, I have been 7-8 years old for my hair every 3-5 days. I'll tell you everything in order.

How to taught?

Everything is simple, my head, a day or two with a lot. Then I braid braid or two, French or Dragon, as I call, and I go boldly two more days. There are no special inconvenience. Usually 3-4 weeks for addiction I know that girls with wavy and curly hair really walk with such braids for 3-4 days. Even better, if there is someone to braid braids, and you can intertwine every day, but we will weave the braid from non-vigilant hair ... The assistant will have to suffer.

To be honest, I did not do it specifically, I just loved it very much when my hair was braided into "dragons". Summer does not prevent anything and not hot.

- Try not to touch your hair, do not ferry curls. It all contributes to pollution of your hair. On the fingers a lot of dust, dirt and fat.

- It is better to sleep on a silk pillowcase. Hair is less impact. Or brave hair into a braid. In a dream, you turn and turn around, do not be surprised why in the morning you have a pack on your head.

- Try not to use the hairdryer, stylers, iron and puffers. All this dries our hair, "With grief", the skin of the head begins to highlight even more skin salary to protect the scalp and hair.

How do I live now?

Once again not mine)) 2-3 days I go with the leaning, then collect in the tail or bundle. If some important meetings are not foreseen at the week, then I can go to the weekend. If weekend I plan to spend at home, then the oil can apply and pass a couple of days.

What to do with hair after the hall?

I will say the main moment - I do not really sweat, so it is easier for me. Maybe that's why I almost never my hair after training. Well, first, it's easier for me to do it at home, and I live in 10 minutes drive from the hall, and secondly ...

1. Head, neck, neckline and shoulders, of course, sweat from the hair. Therefore, during training, it is better to wipe the area where the hair comes into contact with the body.

2. Dry shampoo - also an excellent way out. You can spray both before and after workout. He will absorb fat from your hair and scalp and hair will look fresh.

3. After training tilt the head down and slightly dry the hair dryer. This will help add volume to your hair, at the same time cooling you.

4. A great output from the situation is to tie the hair in a tight tail, a bundle or braid. And in the evening you can dissolve the braid and enjoy textured waves.

For what?

In order to face the hair and aggressive impact of shampoos every day.


Another important point. If you have oily hair, then you should not use the care for oily hair. In the shampoos, many aggressive components that are well cleaned and dry the skin of the head, to which the skin is responsible for it - it begins to highlight even more skin salts. Therefore, I think it is better to use shampoo for normal hair and a good air conditioner.

If you decide not to teach, then at least use the most natural care.

The author of the author can be found here.

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