Sergey Lazarev: "My son lives the usual life of an ordinary child"


A couple of years ago, Sergey Lazarev sorrified all recognition that he, it turns out, is the son of Nikita. Since then, numerous fans of the singer are watching not only for news from his creative life, but also how his heir grows.

- Sergey, summer in full swing. How did it become for you?

- Summer is always hot for me: concerts, tour in the country. Well, I took up time for the studio, started writing a new album. Now it is customary to produce the so-called EP, which includes 5-6 songs.

- Interesting, do you have a cottage, how are all simple mortals?

- There is a cottage, naturally, the garden. Of course, I don't dig a lot there. In the country, we often get the whole family, fry the kebabs.

- Do you yourself know how to fry kebabs?

- Recently. Somehow at one moment I really wanted a kebab, I went to the store, bought meat and fucked. From the first time I got canceled, well, and now I try to periodically prepare. But all the same specialist in kebabs is my uncle, I do not compete with him. But in his absence, it is frying for myself, because if you suddenly "run", then myself, and not a family. (Laughs.) Just kidding.

Summer for Sergey is always hot: concerts, tour of the country

Summer for Sergey is always hot: concerts, tour of the country

- Colleagues on show business come to you on kebabs? Are you friends with someone or all artists competitors to each other?

- The fact is that the big competition is felt when you just start. And when you in the show business, a large amount of time and has proven many that you are a self-sufficient artist with your audience, then mostly all around becomes friends. I am friends with everyone. Of course, we do not go to visit each other, because it is very difficult to match the graphics. Although Polyna Gagarin is calling me on the kebabs for a very long time, and I can not come, but we agreed that I would definitely do.

- What about introducing your child with the children of colleagues? Surely they would find a common language ...

"I think that next year I will start my son to bring to the world, to acquaint my father with the peculiarities of the profession of Pope. Well, let him live the usual life of an ordinary child. It is developed, thinks perfectly and reads, speak English. I do not really introduce him to the world of show business. He communicates with the kids in the sections, in the playgrounds, no one in Him, thank God, does not pushing the finger that he is the son of the famous artist. This is my desire for the Son to grow ordinary life, and not the life of a star child. I do not want to corrupt it with excessive attention to his person. Because, it seems to me, the child begins to use it, capricious. I, pah-pah-pah, absolutely trouble-free child. With him very comfortable everywhere ride, I sometimes take it on tour.

- But on TV at least he saw you?

- I saw, of course. He knows that dad artist, knows my songs. But still does not understand what coverage is, although my last show is fully dedicated to him and is named in his honor.

Recently, the artist took a dog from the shelter, although he had already a pet. Now he has two four-legged friend

Recently, the artist took a dog from the shelter, although he had already a pet. Now he has two four-legged friend


- Why did you call the Son Nikita?

"In general, I always thought that if I had a son, I would call him either Daniel or Nikita. Why, it is impossible to explain. When a child is born, there is a clear understanding inside, what exactly needs to be called it. This is probably over.

- Admit, already see some talents in the Sony or even again talk about it?

- Honestly, probably still need to wait. At one time he was carried away by football, now suddenly I realized that he was not so located for football, like creativity. Now he draws. And he also liked the same time. And I can not understand, whether it is creative, or a sports. I do not think that he will become a singer, but something related to the scene may still be. Because he is very artistic, positive, smiling, speaking. Maybe it will be an actor. But I will not push him anywhere, shove and pierce. I can only suggest: I want to raise a person in it, who all achieved himself, and not thanks to his dad. It is rigid, but I want my shadow on him not to hang.

- That is, Sergey Lazarev - strict dad? ..

- I'm not strict dad. I am fair, I try to encourage good, but I don't have to scold badly, I can negotiate with him. For him, dad is an absolute authority.

- Who stays with a child when you leave for tour?

- I have a big family, the child is always in love, under the supervision. Nikita is the center of attention of the whole family: grandmothers, great-grandmothers, aunt, uncle and the rest. If it is not possible to take a child with you on tour, there is a video link. We constantly communicate, tell each other what happened per day. He, by the way, has already mastered the computer a year ago and knows where and what to click to see this or that video, how to call Dad, he has its own children's phone with whom he is in perfectly laid.

- Have you dreamed of a big family, a lot of children? Now there is no replenishment plans?

- I believe that we can dream of how much you like, but as it is given, it will be.

- The work of the artist is often associated with stressful situations. How do you cope?

"I try to breathe inside myself, to say myself: do not react." Because if you react to each event, the psyche looses. Due to the fact that our life was tightly entered the social network, there are a lot of advisers, silent critics. Everyone strives something to say, prick. But only one thing offends me: disrespect for my profession, to my work. I can love or not to love - it is impossible to like everyone, - but no need to reset my successes and many years of work. Critics can be perceived only from equal in the profession, from an understanding person. I somehow said in social networks that, in my opinion, advise something to people - this is an uncompatory, if you did not ask the Council. When you have 3 million subscribers and everyone is trying to give advice, the brain is broken.

Sergey Lazarev does not use stylists, but literally everyone marks his excellent feeling of taste

Sergey Lazarev does not use stylists, but literally everyone marks his excellent feeling of taste

- Not so long ago the project "You are super!", Where you were a member of the jury. Do you somehow support communication with the participants?

"Indeed, a lot of kids inspired me, surprised. The memorable, probably, became Diana Ankundinova, who won. This is a good project, I really hope, there will be another season. Maybe I will call me - and I agree with great pleasure. I, by the way, took the guys from another project under his custody. The group is called "two". I am an assistant for them, the adviser, the sponsor to some extent.

- Why do you need to help young artists at all?

- I want to support talented guys. Once from someone and I received advice and help. In addition, I want to know and understand what the youth lives, and in this way to some extent rejuvenate.

- Look you really young. What is the secret - sport, diet?

- Gym almost every day. Food I order on the Internet with home delivery. Now there are many firms that provide ready-made, calculated by the number of calories food. It is convenient for me, because the biggest problem is snacks, that is, when you eat bars, boots, and so on. But when you have these trays - the problem of snacks is removed.

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