What are veneers and why do they need


Currently, it is easy to have a gorgeous smile, even if nature has tried little in this regard: for this you just need to turn to a good dentist. Modern orthopedics offers a wide range of teeth prosthetics options, allowing to turn even the most "running" teeth in dazzlingly beautiful. Among these options, connections are increasingly popular. These thin lining on the outer part of the teeth are suitable for patients who want their smile to look aesthetically.

Viniron are microprostheses , differing from crowns by the fact that they are installed only on the front (outer) side of the teeth. They have several varieties based on materials from which (composite, ceramic, luminors) are manufactured. So, what are so good veneers, what exactly are professionals in recently prefer to work with them?

Stas Belous.

Stas Belous.

The effect of naturalness. Teeth with veneers installed on them look perfectly, but at the same time completely natural. This contributes to the fact that the veneers have a small thickness, have an excellent light-resistant ability, have a natural shape and texture. People around you will see only a blinding smile, they will not see prostheses. This advantage of veneers plays a big role when the patient needs to install veneers on one or two teeth. The selection of the color of the material is done so carefully that the renovated teeth will not differ from the rest.

Viniron are not affected by the accumulation of the plaque. True, it must be remembered here: this advantage does not relieve the patient from the need to regularly undergo prophylactic examinations from a doctor and pay due attention to the hygiene of the mouth.

Durability. Although high-quality veneers are more expensive than ceramic crowns, importantly, their plus is a long service life. Modern veneers with proper installation and careful attitude to the patient's teeth can stop 10-15 years. Taking into account the fact that the techniques manufacturing materials for veneers are improved all the time, it is possible that in the near future this figure will increase. It costs to remember that the quality of venions and the skill of the dentist is not all. A lot depends on how much the patient complies with the rules of the hygiene of the teeth, protects them from mechanical, chemical and physiological damage.


Photo "To" and "after"

Resistance color. Viniirs are not subject to spots, discoloration, staining. Ideally, after installing the venions, smokers should refuse their bad habit. But even if this does not happen, you can be sure - the color of veneers throughout the service life will remain the same. The same applies to the use of coffee, tea, juices: the veneers will not be subjected to external changes due to these products.

Biocompatibility With the tissues of the oral cavity. Allergic reactions to veneers are extremely rare and depend on the individual characteristics of the patient. An allergen can be one of the monomers or dye, of which the veneer material consists. However, it is worth noting that the percentage of incompatibility of patients with this type of prosthetics is negligible.

Maximum preservation of healthy teeth tissues. As already mentioned, veneers are lining on the outer part of the teeth. When they are installed, it does not require the calculation of the entire tooth, as with prosthetics with crowns. A thin layer of dental fabrics from the front of the teeth is removed, which corresponds to the thickness of the future veneer. Lorminians - an option for those who want to restore their teeth without dispersion: they are so thin that the heating of the tooth is not required at all.

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