Notes of Thai Mommy: "Immediately around the turn, we came across a reversed boat"


I will remember these several hours, probably the rest of my life. From the sky, Lilo from the bucket. Due to the high speed, on which we rushed through Mekong, raindrops seem to be bruised all over the body. To protect the face, I hid my head somewhere at the knee level, trying not to think, as under such conditions, it controls our brave steering boat. And he stood on his stern and, it seemed, did not notice the droplets hitting the eyes, more like degrees.

Usually boats carry with a decent speed of kilometers in eighty.

Usually boats carry with a decent speed of kilometers in eighty.

We stopped during these six hours only twice. Once - for refueling. But for the second time, the reason was more sad: immediately at one of the turns, we almost pushed the rolling boat. And her steering, and the only passenger was alive. Only now the latter looked absolutely unfortunate, pouring water from her laptop and causing something on incomprehensible adveria. Having learned that our help is not needed here, we went down again. True, before that I broke the personal dry law and Mahaned a glass of local Roma immediately. Therefore, the rest of the path remember vaguely. More or less came to be on the border with Thailand. The tightening of the visa regime here seems to have not heard, so they missed us without any questions, wishing a pleasant stay in Thailand.

Mekong seems like the river quiet and unhurried, but periodically experiencing travelers, sending obstacles in the form of stone shames.

Mekong seems like the river quiet and unhurried, but periodically experiencing travelers, sending obstacles in the form of stone shames.

But many questions we asked local residents who met us already on the Thai side. Who! Where? Where do you keep the way? Having learned that we ourselves from Moscow, one of the Thairs suddenly grabbed my hand and with screams: "Kostya, Kostya" dragged somewhere away from civilization. What's happening?

Continued ..

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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