Do not be afraid to dream: rituals who will fulfill your desires at 2020


Today they go 16 lunar days, and tomorrow, December 12, you can watch the full moon. Full moon in the sign of the twins is a great time in order to come up with dreams for the coming year - it is this period that will allow the stars to work out that all your desires will be faster than you think. Tell how to write a list of desires.

Light energy

Astrologers believe that it is necessary to dream only in a good mood, otherwise the negative energy will suppress all the bright intentions. In order to quickly get rid of obsessive thoughts, write them on a piece of leaf and burn it in an ashtray or on another non-flammable surface. Look at the fire and mentally release the alarms - remember that there are no problems that cannot be solved with your desire and effort.

It's time to sum up the year

It's time to sum up the year


Choose a beautiful notebook

Buy a special notebook to fulfill desires meaningless - this is exactly the same notebook, only at a price of 10-20 times higher. Better write down your dreams into your favorite diary or notepad that you use for drawing. First, think about how you present the following year: to meet your love and spend as much time as possible with her, travel alone and be independent, work until the seventh sweat and get more money - the decision remains for you.

Proper wording

Instead, "I want a lot of money", write down "Earn 200 thousand rubles for a trip to Paris in 2020." The more accurate you formulate dreams, the easier they turn into goals. Do not be afraid to think boldly - you are opening the whole world, it is only worth understanding it. There are no insoluble situations - the answer always lies inside you. Even if your dreams are grand, for example, to play in the Hollywood film, know: they can be done. With you, persistence and competent planning of steps to achieve the goal are required. As soon as you start moving in the right direction, the cards themselves are needed in the right way - you will see.

Do not be afraid to dream boldly

Do not be afraid to dream boldly


Share or not sharing

Some prefer to get the result first, and then tell us close to him, others share the joy of the dream alone. We offer you to stay on the Golden Middle: You can tell about your plans if you really do steps towards a dream, and not do empty chatter. It is quite possible that it is your surroundings that will help faster to prevent dreams into reality - you never know how to wait for help.

Result control

After writing dreams on paper, hide notepad away from prying eyes - so you will not be nervous because the goals were not fulfilled for the first month of the year, but you will always keep them in your head. Six months later, you can look into the notebook and see which part of your plans turned out, and what else is worth working as the remaining half of the year.

And how many goals are you prescribing for a year? On the Mentorility, businessmen advise writing a hundred goals, who is more?

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