Notes of Thai Mommy: "Thai wife - as a devotee"


Back in 1898, the Traveler Ernest Young in his book "The Kingdom of Yellow Robes" wondered: what are they, Thai wives? Trading here and there and talking to the local population, he issued a whole on-mountain. So, according to his classification, there are seven types of Thai wives:

1. Wives, feeling obliged to her husband, as if they were his younger sisters, devoted to him employees.

2. Wives who feel like their husband's senior sisters and benevolently lead him in life.

3. Wives, feeling like mothers of husbands and flourishing, showing care of them.

4. Wives that feel like others, paying the same thing that they get.

5. Wives trying to dominate husbands and turn them into slaves. Their husbands, saying Young, turn into a "bunch of grief".

6. Wives seeking enrichment and thinking only that the husband brings money they will spend in their pleasure.

7. Women - "Killers" with terrible emotional explosions, making everything possible to destroy harmony and peace in the house and soul of her husband.

When you just get acquainted with the Thai woman, she seems to you precisely a charming diva from the first item ...

When you just get acquainted with the Thai woman, she seems to you precisely a charming diva from the first item ...

The book I gave me the same friend who was once married to a Thai girl. And when we met him once again, the question, of course, went about read.

- studied? He clarified. - Well, now, so that you are clearer, I will explain: at the time when you get acquainted with a Thai girl, it seems to you precisely a charming division from the first point. Thought, ready to satisfy every wish. In a word, a dream, not a woman! At first, even the language barrier is absolutely not embarired (in English if they are taught and they say, then the global issues of the universe are not ready to discuss with you). Maybe I will rude, but I would compare the girls from the first with loyal dogs: they look into your eyes, rub about your legs, dance on the hind legs and do not require anything but love. The problem is that when you truly get tied to this "dog girl", she suddenly suddenly jumps out of the first one in the fifth, and then in the seventh. And this happens really scary. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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