Notes Thai Mommy: "When communicating with a local girl, a hand itself stretches to the wallet"


This our buddy, who was married to secretly, lives ten years old on Phuket. And his story is as distinctive, so and banal: almost every second foreigner (the third - certainly), which decided to tie his fate with a local resident, facing something like that.

"You imagine, you come to someone else's country, where there is not so simple without knowing the local adverch. And here the girl appears next to you, which is ready to remove all household problems with you. She shows you the most interesting non-trial trails, knocks out substantial discounts in the markets, but simply acts as a translator. In response, she does not ask anything but your attention and a good word. She doesn't even ask you for money: at some point you give her everything yourself. Because every sum, even the most insignificant (in your opinion), it rejoices as a child. And when she once again begins, with tears in his eyes, talking about problems in the family (Mom, living somewhere in the village, heavily fell ill and she needs money for treatment; Dad fell into an accident and he needs to urgently find some funds To restore a pickup and not to die to dwell with hunger; well, and so on, the list can be continued to infinity), your hand involuntarily stretches to the wallet: I will not lose you, and the girl will make a pleasant.

They say every Thai girl since childhood teach proper communication with men.

They say every Thai girl since childhood teach proper communication with men.

Further more. At some point, his Thai love appeared at a meeting with tears in his eyes: It turns out that the owner of her room raised the price almost downtrend, and she just nowhere to live.

"Of course, I immediately offered her to move to me - in the end, she spent so almost all the time in my house. Well, and what happened further, I didn't enter my plans, but there was no reverse stroke.

In short, the girl came not only with a suitcase of things, but also with ... a child in his arms. According to her stories, this is the son of her older sister, which is simply nowhere to give in the next month. And only about six months, our buddy learned the true state of affairs ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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