It exists: 4 Rules for preparing for sex after delivery


Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth impose certain ban on sex life. Girls who give birth for the first time, scare stories about the ruptures and other victims of the first sex after childbirth. We decided to assemble the basic rules that will help you return to sex with your man without any consequences.

You need time

After discharge from the hospital, be sure to attend your gynecologist, which will not only control your recovery, but also answer the question when you can start an intimate life again. It all depends on the individual process of recovery, as a rule, a woman needs a month and a half to fully recover. Hurry can cause irreparable harm to the body that survived a huge stress during childbirth. Learn to wait.

Control the amount of lubrication

The estrogen level after delivery is greatly decreased, which leads not to postpartum depression, but also to the dryness of the vagina. In order not to get injured in the process of sex, stocking water-based quality lubricant in advance. But again, I must go through at least a month after childbirth before you return to sex. The lack of natural lubricant in the first months after childbirth should not scare you - with time everything will be restored.

Learn to wait

Learn to wait


Use condoms

In the first six months, in no case cannot be obtained by sexually transmitted infections, since your reproductive system is in an extremely vulnerable state, and therefore the acquisition of an unpleasant virus threatens with serious complications. In addition, no one canceled unscheduled pregnancy. If a partner against condoms, simply choose the most subtle, which are practically not felt.

Your muscles need to restore

If you gave birth naturally, in the first months your muscles will be in a stretched state, which is incredibly scaring many women. However, the excitement is inappropriate, because after some time your vagina will return to an almost old form, most importantly, to help him in this. To do this, consult your doctor who will offer you the variants of vaginal gymnastics. Since the vaginal muscles are incredibly elastic, so if you do exercises strictly according to plan, very soon you will forget about the problem of stretched muscles.

Use the contraceptive means

Use the contraceptive means


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