On the ears in debt: who from the stars forget to pay on accounts


Today, the media is trying to the headlines about the debts of Olga Buzova. As it turned out, the debt on utility bills for the Petersburg apartment of the TV host was formed by the girl's inattention - she simply forgot to pay payment in time. The amount of debt amounted to only 10 thousand rubles, and as a result, Mom Buzova paid it. Want to know who else from celebrities got into similar situations?

Philip Kirkorov

In Moscow's Tagansky court, a lawsuit from the liquidated Latvian bank was sent, where a singer took a mortgage for an apartment worth 1.5 million euros. As soon as the bank broke up, the celebrity lawyer advised him not to pay the remaining amount until the decision was made to eliminate the institution. According to the results of the proceedings, the representative was able to defend the property of the star client - Phillip wanted to take an apartment worth more than 193 million rubles, as reported by Gazeta.Ru.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The actress is a debt for the property tax of individuals in the amount of 24,581.32 rubles. Luxury real estate on Ulof Palma Stalve Street acquired in 2007 - then the cost of its housing was estimated at about $ 2 million. The court issued a decree on debt back in March 2019, and for the executive proceedings entered in October of this year.

Gosh Kutsenko

In the official website of the FSSP of Russia, you can find information about the duty of the actor for taxes - at the moment the amount is 693207.37 ₽ Star lawyer Sergey Zhorine more than once noted that debts from well-known people are formed due to the fact that they forget to pay on the bills put in tax organs.

Anita Tsoi

Sometimes even small debts of the star do not want to pay. So in May 2018, the court issued a decree on recovery 500 ₽ with the singer Anita Tsoi as a fine for the administrative offense. Anita Sergeevna is still listed by the debtor on the FSSP website.

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