Anastasia Denisova: "When I lost weight, many have stopped learning me!"


- Anastasia, how do you spend time here?

- Wonderful! My colleagues and I can not sleep for a long time, I won't talk anywhere. And here, in "Artek", I conducted a master class. Children liked it, although I am not a teacher, I can not teach play or sing, but I can only share my feelings. If someone becomes or, on the contrary, it will be sacred, it will be the best assessment of my creativity. I do everything sincerely.

"Why did you come to Artek without your son?"

"I wanted to take it with myself, but it didn't work out, and now he rests in Greece with his grandmother." Although I understand that he would like him madly. My son is tent soon, and I understand how important it is - to take the children. I arrived in "Artek" and see that the children are busy here.

- Son grows creative?

- Yes, he is very similar to me: the same as I am, the Govorun Bird. Sent him to engage in music. Of course, I'm not going to make a second Denis Matsueva from him, but the music fills and enriches, it will be very useful for him in the future. He plays on clarinet and piano. I once wanted to dance, and play in the school theater, but it was not particularly there.

- How does he belong to the role of mom in the movies?

- He does not watch the series; I think he has nothing to look at him yet. The first time was jealous: why they know me on the street and ask autographs, and he has no? I do not know how it will affect it on it ... I often ask me: how do I bring up my child? I try to be him another, and not a bodied aunt. Man I am cheerful, but my mother is strict. My son has been painted all day.

By nature, Anastasia is very slim person. So for the role in the series she had to be pretty pleasing. Well, now her relatives do not fade, looking at how thinning Nastya. .

By nature, Anastasia is very slim person. So for the role in the series she had to be pretty pleasing. Well, now her relatives do not fade, looking at how thinning Nastya. .

- You broke up with his father. How is the child with dad going in this difficult situation?

- They communicate well. In addition, he has grandparents, so he is definitely not deprived of male attention. We are trying to support each other. All the same, this person is part of my family anyway. Yura loves to spend time with his father, I'm doing there and do not leave the men, they will understand themselves.

"Many people look at you and think: how is a ten-year-old son who can have a decade?

- I got pregnant at 18 years old. Just really fell in love. When I met my future husband, I had a feeling of a quiet harbor. He entered my life and began to build a fortress around me. He took over all the problems, and I was all such an air and unpredictable. At that moment I had a consolidated brother. And I never got close to such young children. I remember, I thought: "Here he is the meaning of life!" In general, in September my brother was born, and in December I learned that I was pregnant. Of course, my husband and I first frightened, but I believe that the child should appear when it should. At the Institute, by the way, there was no problem either. I gave birth, and learned, and graduated from Gitis.

- And then suddenly began to work as secretary ...

- When I did thought, everything will be easier: you did - and you start shooting. But by the end of the training they were invited to the regional Tyuz. I really wanted to go there, I was ready to ride at least a bunny on stage. But, unfortunately, the head of the novice artist is very small. But by the time I remained the only feed in the family. I had to look for stable work so that I could provide my family. Possessed the most optimal option - work secretary. I will not delve into a story about how it was a blow to me when I realized that I didn't need anyone as an actress. You can write a whole book about this. But the fact that God gave me a child, it hurt me not to give up and not discouraged, but to continue to fight. And everything I was well, while I worked as a secretary: a nice adjacent schedule, I managed to go to castings. But the phrase "Thank you, we will call you back" did not inspire confidence. Artists will understand me. My only invented was the work of the Snow Maiden on New Year's holidays. Here I was broken. And earned not bad. Meanwhile, at work I was raised: from a simple secretary I became an assistant to the first vice-president of the largest construction company. I made such a career for the shortest possible time! I was really ready to go receive the second higher education, I had a project of my own business. We began to develop it with my friends, and here suddenly called me! ..

- Invited to Casting?

- Yes. Moreover, the years didn't call me about this about this. At first I thought that I would not go anywhere, although I recorded the number on the piece of paper. But then I realized that I would not lose anything if I did. And the phrase "Thank you, we will call you back" I will not break me no longer. Why not go, do not shine old, remember that I can still? (Laughs.) On Casting, I was given the opportunity to choose a character. And when I read the description of Kati Schwerer, I realized that she had a lot of common with me. It was so familiar and understandable. Literally yesterday I discussed the word in the word with a girlfriend. As a result, I played so easily, without straining, I did not try to like someone. I came out and realized that it was good. Almost forgot about it, but in two days I called the casting director in a panic and invited me on pair samples. Then I first felt that in my life something changes. Now I wake up every morning very happy, because I am doing a favorite thing. Such a gift for fate!

- Do you remember the day when you woke up famous?

- I woke up the famous when all Moscow was placed by my photos. They selected my most terrible photo on which the mouth was opened to such an extent that my glands are almost visible. Of course, it was nice. Although I spoiled me so much: Especially for the role of Parna, I was asked to recover by 10 kg, by the time it was difficult to call me too thin, I Tolstie, Tolstie ... As a result, for all the time filming, extra 15 kilograms. And when I lost weight, many have ceased to learn me.

- For what method are you fatels?

- ate fast food, roasted, overnight, sweet, much, often. Even Hollywood recipes were offered, as, for example, Rene Zellweger recovered for role in the film "Bridget Jones Diary". You need to drink sweet cocoa, there are cookies with butter for the night. Of course, from such a "diet" I changed to unrecognizable. Especially mom worried about this. Now, when I send her photos from here, from Gurzuf, in a swimsuit, she is so dying: "God! You are as at 15 years old, what figure! " In general, by my nature, small and slender.

- And how much did you lose for what reason?

- First, we have a break in the shooting, and secondly - I want to try myself in some new roles. I want to work the lead, I and singer on television, I have a lot of interest. Not that I specifically changed, I just come back to myself. And besides, I met a nutritionist. This girl forced me to believe that everything is possible! I lost 10 kg and continue to lose weight on its system. People in our lives are so simple do not appear. In general, I am grateful to fate for a lot.

- Then tell us where else can we see you except "Deffchonok"?

- Upon returning from all its resorts, I proceed to rehearsing the rehearsal of entrepreneurs. This is a comedy. I also go and run in all sorts of projects. I want me directors and producers to find out another.

Anastasia Denisova:

"I feel obvious attention from men in connection with my new appearance. I feel younger than ten years and, of course, waiting for the only one ... ".

- Have you ever at least once in Saratov, at the homeland of your heroine?

- Yes, we were there once. We had promoter when we were rid of the city to the city. At some point, all cities were mixed into one. I remember only the main pedestrian street in Saratov. I did not have time to see anymore. In general, this is such a classic Russian city. I can not say that I had some special impressions from him. Probably in this was the point - to show in the film of the girls from a simple Russian city.

- In the series, your heroine has a penny after all, it is possible to conquer a man's dream. And for someone already managed to conquer?

- After we went with your husband, I was lost for a long time. Then - for a long time enjoyed work. I, in fact, did not need anything. But now a new period began. I obvious attention from men in connection with my new appearance. I feel younger than ten years and, of course, waiting for the only one ... I am ready to recognize people and find them only the best. I'm open for suggestions. But while such a person did not appear. Although I believe that it is already close and soon happen.

- And how do you imagine that chosen one?

- Last year, when I was asked this question, I had a clear list, and he consisted of some incredible number of points. Now I will say that I do not know what it should be. To love me should, be close to always, be part of my life and participate in it. In general, my person who is not indifferent to what happens to me. What he will do, it doesn't matter, but I would not want it to be an artist. Because with artists men are very difficult, although there are, of course, positive examples.

- Today you took part in a photo session in a beautiful dress ...

- This dress I sewed my mother! I have a kudesnitsa mother, a very creative person: and sang, and went to the circus on the rope. By education, she is seamstress. And how much I remember, she always transcluded dresses for all concerts, holidays. She constantly comes up with some raisins. And it gave me this dress for a birthday. I like it insanely, and you constantly feel the presence of my mother. Very warm.

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