Nikki Reed: "I offered Paulil in addition to flying to Vegas and sign"


Many know her as a blond bitch with a cold smile, a close look and bloodthirsty habits - Nikki Reed became famous for Rosalie in the Vampire Saga "Twilight". On the personal life of the fatal beauty with a difficult character, few people knew: even the omnipresent journalists could not understand what was going on in the world of Nikki when she leaves red tracks. Scandalous novels, dangerous hobbies for banned substances, pregnancy, a marriage with a brilliant man ... About this about it - in our conversation with a Hollywood star.

- Nikki, hello! I think, everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that you are not at all a blonde, as you demanded a role in Twilight, but a burning brunette. Or is it also not your native color?

- Hello. What kind of native! In me, the blood of the Cherokee Indians and Italian - on the mother, Jewish - by Father, because I just can't be blonde by definition. How much I remember, never painted my hair, and even for the sake of the role agreed only on a wig. Although it turned out, of course, it is interesting.

- Does this heroine look like you?

- As far as you remember, it is always discreet, cold, cynical, even cruel in something. Maximum emotions on her face - sprinkled eyebrows or grin of contempt. I'm absolutely not like that. If I like something, I laugh like insane, I love to rejoice from the soul. But if the time of despair comes, so I rushing with my head. In Twilight, there is a piece of personal history Rosalie, who is very consonant with my behavior, - he is the only one, but so faithful! I'm about the moment when she literally lies his enemies one after another, finally destroying the main offender. Beautiful, spectacular, without regret!


In the Twilight, which brought Nikki glory, she was captured by a blonde, but in real life with the actress dark hair

Photo: Frame from the movie

- Yes, you are a dangerous person! So it was always?

- What are you, now I'm just meekness and simplicity. And this is not a sarcasm or a desire to like to journalists, I truly revised and overestimated all my life and grateful that such an opportunity has appeared at all. But it could not happen ...

- What do you mean?

- I had a very difficult childhood. Do not understand me wrong, my mother who raised me alone (the father left when I was completely even a crumb), did everything, literally everything so that I grew up and developed. And so it was: you would not find a more valid and modest student of high school! The real blue stocking, in love with his books and its fictional world. Everything changed when the company constantly traming me for the other and unwillingness to join their dangerous fun, bowed to smoke me. And went, went ... alcohol, drugs, anything. Banal story which thousands and thousands are happening, and it seems to be nothing terrible, but for me it has become a turning point. Many then vinyl my mother: they say where she looked? And I will tell you where. She has three children, two works, she then completely forgot about himself and thought only about how to pull us out and make decent people. Of course, there was not enough money. And naturally, in the teenage period she missed me. Is she guilty? No no and one more time no. These were circumstances.

- They say, after you, so to speak, got on the curve path, your ways with my mother were separated. This is true?

- It is partly true. I moved out of the house, there was all of myself such a dangerous rebellion, which a niche word is not a decree. I removed accommodation in Los Angeles, and after our modest settlement, he seemed frighteningly beautiful to me.

- Your career has begun. Suddenly and very early.

- Exactly. I myself did not understand that something began. Talking from one party to another, leading a bohemian way of life for fifteen years, I met someone who introduced me to someone who invited me to participate in the film "Thirteen". And since I, do not forget, in the past there was still a book worm, adored reading and possessed a good, so to speak, the base, I with my peculiar look at the script writing process. It was extremely important for me to tell about how a teenager feels in this adult world, about his feelings and experiences, that he is not just a hooligan or a clogging, reasancer for no reason. So it happened that my first Hollywood work was not a role, but the text.

- Well, listen, the role is, and the main thing, in the picture you still got.

"You see, I perceived her as a load and random luck than something that would make me a star." However, I did not become a star. (Laughs.) Just began to actively remove.

- Threw school?

- On the contrary, returned to learning. I threw it even when I hit the whole alcohol and narcotic passion to the whole alcohol and gone from my mother, I pulled the apartment and dangled from samples to samples. But just after the success of "thirteen" took his head, remembered that I once really liked to learn, and again I was taken for books. True, soon I had to go to home learning - the schedule did not allow diligently attend classes.

"Tell me about your favorite works until you become a world-class star, starting to act in" Twilight ".

- Oh, one of the most complex and important paintings for me was "in mini this is the first time." There it is just talking about the relationship of parents and children, dramatic, sharply, right in nerves. Somewhere in the depths of me still sits offense to the mother, which I, of course, I do not blame for anything today, and on my father, who left us alone. So I remember even not the result, and the shooting themselves, work with the script, his analysis was a kind of personal psychotherapy, which helped. What else? .. Perhaps, an excellent time was the period of creating the "Kings of Downtowana", because I worked with a stunning hit as a grain. I understand why it still misses the whole Hollywood (Ledger committed suicide in 2008. - Approx. Auth.)! It was an open, understanding, kindest soul person who was ready to help everyone, including me. And including how completely inexperienced actresses. In short, it was invaluable experience.

- What do you think your career would have happened if then, ten years ago, did you get to the star "Saga"?

- You will laugh, but I could easily get into another Sagu ...


- I was invited to the role of Narcissa Malfoy in Harry Potter. Already refused at the final stage: we came to a mutual understanding that I am too young to play Draco's mother.

- both of your heroines - both Real Rosalie, and a possible daffodil - cold-blooded blondes. You still did not think to change the color on the constant, so to speak, based?

- (laughs.) Oh no! I am true, to the roots of the hair, sorry for the pun, brunette. In minutes of anger and despair, I literally feel how my Cheroke-Italian Blood boils in me, and I just can not imagine how I can exist with a blonde festival. Only dark! By the way, on the filming of "Twilight" there was a moment that reveals the identity of Rosalie, then when she tells Belle, as one in one bloodingly straightens with his killers. "Here she is my girl!" - I thought, after reading the script. And of course, in my head I had an image of the Dunkood Rosalie. (Smiles.)

"Nikki, now you moved away from active filming, focusing on scenic art and produce." And you have a prominent activist, a fighter for animal rights, one of the most famous, among such persons as Leonardo di Caprio and Brick Bardo.

- Oh, you flatter me, and this is not at all. Please do not think that I am ambassador to the UN or something. I am a supporter of small things and just love animals. This taught me my mother who allowed me to pick me up every homeless kitten or a puppy and care for them. And I'm unbearable to know that there are still those in the world who Zhemanno presses the sponges and declares some nonsense: "Oh, I can't feel a real woman without throwing a furious living creature on my bare shoulders!" In me, such anger rises, such a rage! What? You can't feel sexual and attractive without killing someone? What to game! We live in the twenty-first century, and for a long time, people have learned to do without genuine leather and fur. This is not a question of survival, this is a matter of ethics.

- Tell me about your initiative Freedom of Animals, please. Is it one of the examples of the theory of small affairs?

- Exactly! I decided that the fashionable world is necessary accessible and beautiful alternative to all these leather-fur products. Of course, I'm far from Stella McCartney, I do not pretend to anything - just sewing a bag of recycled plastic and artificial suede, so that ordinary people have the opportunity to avoid violence.

- Today you will argue as an adult and responsible person who has aware of a lot. But I can't help but remember your madness in youth. You fastened and for a long time held the glory of the heart, the conqueror of men's hearts, cruel branches ...

"I understand about whom you want to talk now." Our relations with the Russian actor Paulil were not primarily a PR - it was a sincere passion, we had a stormy and, alas (or bangs?), Speed ​​novel. I even offered him to fly to Vegas and sign. Now I understand: it is even very good that this did not happen. But I want to emphasize that I was not a fucker - just a relationship is doomed. So it happened: we lost when I flew to the next shooting. Upon return, Paul did not want to continue this painful and dramatic history. But I am very grateful to him, because if it were not for her, I would not have happened to my real.

- You were twice married. Paul McDonald are you also grateful?

- With the floor they were associated with durable and harmonious relationships, because yes, and I, too, I am very grateful. Now I understand that everything that happened to me, led me to Ien (Ian Somerhalder is the current husband Nikki. - Approx. Auth.).

- You seem the perfect pair. Some joke, that it is just because two vampires come together, your husband is the star of the Vampire Diaries.

- You know, there is no ideal in the world. But it happens that people are just together - and that's how it is necessary. Grass grows out of the ground, the flowers bloom, the sun shines, the cycle of water in nature is accomplished - these are such natural things ... So the fact that we are with the yen near, is one of these things.

- You have a two-year-old daughter of salt salts. There were rumors on the Internet that this yen insisted on her appearance. This is true?

- Put on such gossip - the holy case for the "yellow press". I don't even react already, although the very fact that Yen could force me or forced to something, ridiculous. He respects women's rights, and mine in particular. Our daughter is the continuation of our Union, and her appearance is as natural and beautiful, as well as I tell you earlier. You see, I'm incredible, just madly lucky. I could not imagine that the rebar and ancient person, which I was for many years, will be able to find such a light, kind, tactful and intelligent person as Yen. I love him for the fact that he opens this world every day - I understand what I am saying as sentimental fool, but I do not find other words to tell about it. I have two favorite holidays - my daughter's birthday and her husband's birthday. Do not explain why? (Smiles.)

- Then tell us about the secreet of your incredible relationship. Can not it be just good luck, happy, but random coincidence?

- No accidents, everything is natural: we do not pretend. This is the only way for which two lovers in man can pass and bring their love. Admit, in the beginning of the novel, there is always a temptation to show yourself from the best side, hide your sharp corners, smile where you want to grow angry, make the kind, play ... Stop right now. Otherwise, your union is doomed. In a month or year, everything will end. And if it goes ten years? Imagine what pain you will pass, having lost the valuable union for you, initially doomed at the collapse? So honesty in everything, the limit and uncompromising, is he, the secret of our love.

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