Olga Prokofiev: "Men lack a little bit of courage to approach me"


Olga Prokofyeva, even twelve years after the release of the series "My beautiful nanny", recall her legendary Jeanne Arkadyevna. And Olga gladly gives autographs from her behalf. However, the popularity of this image does not interfere with actress move forward. Not so long ago, she again tried herself in the role of a TV presenter, and even pleased those fans who go to the theater and movies.

- Olga, recently you have become one of the leading in the "Saturday evening." How do you feel in new capacity?

- Perfectly! I fulfill the role of certain criticies from the highest society, which all about everyone knows. Well, who can you play exalted, harmful and grilling aunts? It's me! (Laughs.) I have excellent partners - Stas Ladnikov, Valery Syutkin, Nikolay Baskov. Sketchy is very interesting with the king. There was an episode where, according to the scenario, my criticism touched shoes. She put them in front of them and covered the voice recorder. And suddenly Nikolai grabbed my leg and began to knead his fingers directly in the frame. We started a whole improvised dialogue. And when we finished sketch, I removed the leg, and Kolya kindly put his place for this with the words: "And now your turn". (Laughs.) Basque is a fountaining person. It all comes from very kind. I crossed with him before and saw what luxurious Kohl makes everyone gifts. He was so shocked by the boy on the project "Minute of Glory", which gave him an accordion of handmade worth about ten thousand euros. Or take this grandmother, which is under a hundred years, and she loves to travel. Kohl said to her: "I send you to Thailand." What she answered: "For two weeks!". In general, Kolya is a person who does not drive himself into the framework. Like him with Montserrat Caballe to sing - he sings with her, like the wedding - he leads it.

Olga leads an active lifestyle. In winter riding on a snowboard, and in the summer - by bike

Olga leads an active lifestyle. In winter riding on a snowboard, and in the summer - by bike

- Where else can you see you now?

"In his own, the Loveman's loved theater, I released the premiere of" all my sons "- deep, dramatic, can be said, a tragic role. We have already shown the performance, but I still "compells" the viewer. That is, in minutes, when the hall subsides, I see that you need to add something here or vice versa. Therefore, I consider this work unfinished. I also offered another entreprepacy project, which I had a lot. But I treat such performances carefully, because when a tour of the tour begins - and these are moving and flights, it is important not to overdo it. Where is the overwork, there and irritability, and you will not give God to appear on the stage in front of the viewer. I can not stand it. Even filmed in the film Alla Surikova "Love and Sax". There are cinema grounds, but I will not talk yet. We, artists, superstitious people ...

- With such employment, probably, not so easy to find time on vacation?

- I try to do it. Even the notes wrote yourself: "Olya, Mera". It happened that he began to be angry for going to an excellent event where good people, but at the same time feel fatigue. But over time I learned to relax. Previously, I did not know what such, for example, go to rest in winter. After all, I have a season in the theater, as I can! But this year still got into the mountains. In general, for me the topic of the skiing began in student. We had good Fizruk. He collected the team, we went to Apatity. These were still the Soviet eighties. And when you stand on skis at twenty years - this is already love for life. And also if there is time, I prefer to fool. Scientifically proven that the woman retains his youth when it hurts well. Sometimes I can spend time in bed, reading something when the brain can work, and the body rests.

- Your passion for cycling is still relevant?

- Yes, in the summer I ride in Moscow, the benefit of the tracks. Who wants to make me a company, and we ride on the non-pie garden. In winter, I love skates, sometimes I ride in Gorky Park.

- You have a lot of experience in communicating with fans throughout the country. Do they still remember your Jeanne Arkadyevna from "My beautiful nanny"?

- Still as remembered! This series has a paradoxical story. He came out in 2004 to this day on the air - passes from the channel for the channel of 12 years. I do not brag it, I may not even seem to me, but there is an obvious - rating! And if the fans say something, but in the address Jeanne Arkadyevna, I answer: "Well, I will give her." Or ask an autograph: "Oh, sign, please, on behalf of Jeanne Arkadyevna." I answer: "With pleasure!" I do not hesitate to this image, it is a well done work that I remember the audience. Good aunt, we are still friends with her. (Laughs).

- You have an adult 24-year-old son, and unlike children of many of your colleagues, he is not an actor ...

- He tried, but so far she decided that it was not quite his. At least Sasha is not the person who is ready to think about it 24 hours a day. Now he is engaged in business, he has his own burdens, especially since it brings stable earnings. It is very important for boys. In one play, the dad asks the Son: "Who do you want to be? Do you want to become an actor? " And the son answers: "No, dad, I want to have lunch every day." Indeed, I remember the nineties were very heavy, and many of my colleagues and classmates left the profession, because they could not feed the family. And someone did not return.

Olga Prokofiev:

With Nikolai Baskov on the set of the program "Saturday evening"

- Olga, let's talk about fans. Are you free woman, you probably have their crowds? ..

- I want to know where these crowds? (Laughs.) In fact, seventy percent of the audience in the theater are women. So I have more women and girls among fans. Well, if we are going to a party and there are men, then they can come up, only if they allow one hundred grams of some strong drink to themselves. Then they can approach and say how they like one or another character and such an artist. These are my personal observations. Men lack a little bit of courage to approach me.

- And what else besides courage should be in men to conquer you?

- The mind, of course, generosity. Well, there must be a man generous! Not because we immediately drive them into the jewelry salon. They should be generous in trifles. And also gallated - I like these. Well, this is probably enough. In the rest, we will help. (Laughs.)

- But you are not going to marry again?

- No, although I really love when families are complete. Let women find their halves. But, unfortunately, I am not promoting such a life. It seems to me that very many women are not in marriage, but with their loved ones. Such a European model of relationships. My personal life is fine, but it is very personal.

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