The further, the better: 5 types of men, from which you need to stay at a distance


"He is the one I was looking for all my life!" - You assure girlfriends, sitting with them in a cafe and discussing the latest news. What, they turn around the temple and say that you do not mean anything in men? An excellent option to check it is to explore our list that describes typical male representatives that can bind the brains even the most famous healed.

"My former is a real bitch!"

The rule is that the ex-partners are not considered to speak at the first meeting, the majority of men learned. True, sooner or later, the topic pops up - then the man who has already managed to trust you, in full Krasya begins to talk about those who divorced him. However, there is one thing: the constructive grain of the conversation can be traced only when a person talks about the actions of his partner, and not his perception of his behavior. But do not rush to stop the verbal thread chosen one: silence and listen to him. If his perception of situations differs from yours, it means that you are not on the way. Otherwise, the same reproaches will have to listen to you - do you want to darken your life meaningless for you criticism?

Listen to how a man talks about his ex

Listen to how a man talks about his ex


"Your eyes are like two bottomless ocean ..."

We hope that you have now rolled your eyes, and not impressed with a banal compliment, which is not particularly inventive men used for 10-15 years in a row. Agree, it is better to say "you look great today" than to build an ornamental metaphor, in which a comparison with a flower is imperative - a typical object of inept romantics. The more man says, the less he does: it is better to exist an unusual date for his second half than to send her hearts in response to Storsith Instagram. As soon as you come across a romantic romantic rake, more than men of this type in your life will not appear.

"You know, I can't meet my man ..."

When a man begins to hang you noodles on the ears, telling it as if he is looking for a second half, but will not meet a suitable woman, you can only smile in response. Here are two options: either he came up with his ideal in his head, who is not comparable to life, or he experienced psychological injuries in past relations, preventing him from moving from friendly communication to relationships. In the first case, the person does not help anywhere - he needs to grow up and realize that each of us has the shortcomings with which a loving partner will be able to accept. In the second case, a person needs rehabilitation with a psychologist: he has already recognized the problem and is ready to fight her. Talk to him on the souls and offer to go to the reception to the therapist.

"I just decorate a divorce with my wife"

Usually, secured men are given, part of the property of which is rewritten on the nearest relatives. They will never risk their material well-being, even if you are really cute. You can either take the role of eternal mistress, or peacefully part with a man, explaining that the role of the second plan does not suit you. If, after a couple of months, a former lover comes running to you with a passport with a stamp of divorce, he can give a second chance - there are exceptional cases when a person really meets his love and decides to divide the partner. And if not, it means you fell on a rod of a typical classker - you probably have a new young girl in your place.

with greedy guy relationships do not build

with greedy guy relationships do not build


"Let's drink a cup of coffee? CHUR, you pay myself "

Greed in a man is a true sin. Yes, everyone may encounter temporary difficulties. But is it difficult to honestly say a girl about them and offer to drink a cup of coffee and dessert in the nearest cafe? This amount is worth nothing for an adult material independent person, even if his business is experiencing not better than the best times. With those who are ready to sit on your neck and go on the first date, the conversation should be short. With such a man, you will not be able to entertain or build a family - for the first one is too dowedful, but for the second selfish.

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