Wiki Lee: "Kim Kardashian will never seriously call himself a singer, writing a couple of songs"


- Wiki, like you, a person with a classic education, look at the fact that today almost everyone suddenly begin to play movies and sing. In general, what to do, if I really want to go on the stage, but there is no talent at all?

- Sit and suffer. Joke. To speak seriously, there are many interesting professions in the world. Optionally, everything must be artists. But if you want to sing, for example, it means you need to learn how to do it. Start doing with the teacher. And if well, it does not work, it is better to leave this idea to a person - at least he will keep the hearing around. Already good.

"But nevertheless everyone is singing around and filmed into a movie ... In your opinion, what is going on in modern society today in terms of culture and art?" What trends are observed?

- The situation in the country with critical culture. And if everything is less worn with the mass, then with the classics, the film industry is a complete trouble. The state invests huge money in sports, in particular to football, and to do not care about the cultural component. What salaries from our professors in a conservatory, for example? Or in the Gnesin Academy? In colleges, music schools? Do you know? And I know. And I am ashamed to voice these numbers. Many experts leave to Europe, America, Asia. And correctly do. What is it here to strain? To get a penny and rolling like dad Carlo? Of course, there are those who remain. But they can hardly afford to go to the store for products, for example. And have the titles of "deserved artists", associate professors, professors, etc. They do not know them, they do not need anyone. They just quietly make their own business - in good faith, putting the soul, growing the cultural and spiritual component. And some stupidity that does not know how to sing, does not have any talents in principle, except to climb into all the cracks, thundering to the whole country. With the same mediocre stupid songs. And the masses take in the example of her, they want to be the same as she. This is the substitution of concepts, it is a catastrophe. Children and adolescents grow on these "waste" and believe that this is the norm, this is the highest class. There are still a lot of examples on the stage and not only, I led the brightest. And how many talented singers, actors, musicians, barely raise ends meet, they were engaged in their work since childhood, thousands of hours, sacrificed to many, but they didn't need anyone ... Society rotes from the inside, this is degradation and self-destruction. Where it leads? To fatal consequences, irreversible. People must realize, finally, what happens around.

Wiki Lee - Talented Pianist and Composer

Wiki Lee - Talented Pianist and Composer

- Vicky, in your creative piggy bank - access to the final of the Russian national award in the Kremlin. How did it work out?

- My manager called me and said that you need to apply. Honestly, I first refused, because I thought this idea is meaningless. In addition, I was sure that all prizes plus-minus are distributed among representatives of show business, and all the action takes place between yours. As a result, after two or three days, the manager called me with the words: "I sent an application for you," thus strangling me. "Well, OK. In the end, I'm not losing anything, "I thought then. And then I have already forgotten about this application, and about the event itself. On the day of preliminary results, the manager called again and said: "You are among the nominees". It was very unexpected. Next already defined finalists, I was among them. Well, later, the premium itself was. In the nomination in which I was , the winner was Denis Matsuev.

- Why did you skeptically react to the idea of ​​sending an application for a prize? Do you think that everything is done in the show business for money?

- Maybe not all, but much. Either money or communications. More and more. There is no need to think much here. Look at the stage, and much will become understandable. In the West, it is even difficult to imagine that some kind of promoted "star" will be released on the scene and in the case of a random disconnection of the phonogram will not be able to sing three notes. She is not confused and sing a-chapel. Abroad, if you are a star and sing, then you can sing at a very serious level. If you are an actress, then a real professional. Call at least one Hollywood star, which can be called a talentless. I mean real artists (actors, musicians, singers), not instagram celebrities. In the West, too, of course, a lot of connections and money, but some Kim Kardashian will never seriously call himself a singer, just because he recorded a couple of songs. Although she is married to a talented musician and producer, he is not trying to make a new Beyonce from her, because he understands that the wife does not have enough talent for this. Therefore, she is just a celebrity, a star of a reality show and a popular blogger. And Olga Buzova, for example, not enough to be a blogger and lead, she wants to sing, be a restaurant, designer, cryptocurrency specialist, etc. Such is different stories.

- What do you think about musical contests in general? Do you need to musicians and what kind of prospects do it?

- As for musical contests ... Yes, this is a good opportunity to declare yourself. This is one of the strategies. But it is necessary to understand that there are competitive professionals, and there are non-competitive. The difference in their psychological component. For example, some musicians have the most "competitive" period - childhood and youth. Others have more mature age. I treat the first category. Professor Sergey Evgenievich Senkov (Dean of the Piano Faculty of Ram named after Gnesinic) once said that in some period of time the moment comes when you actually go and walked all the time on the rope. At a young age, you did not realize this, and later you opened my eyes and looked down ... Do you understand what I mean? This concerns contests. When the very moment of awareness comes and when you do not look at the world for the same eyes. Those who crossed it continue to perform in contests, those who could not cross the line - no longer. Plus, of course, you need steel nerves. This is a colossal psychological tension. No wonder, many musicians play better at concerts than in contests.

Wiki Lee:

"The situation in the country with critical culture," said Vicky

- Wiki, do you have a classic musical education, behind the shoulders of Gnesinic? Why did this university chose?

- In Gnesinka, I got after the central music school at the conservatory. He arrived on the balls by the second number on the budget, and believe me, no "hairy paw" was not involved in this. I did not have connections then, I was an ordinary student, just practiced a lot, and I wanted self-realization. I believed in my business. All my classmates were so. We spent many hours at rehearsals, engaged after lessons on new Stanways (CMS then was already repaired, moved from the October Field to Kislovsky Lane). We also found time on our own creativity: who sang their songs who made the arrangements who wrote texts. In our neighboring building there is guitis, literally a window in the window. I remember, there were cases, and more than once, when in the yard, the end of the spring, we opened all the windows in the classroom, something played, sang, and guys from Gitis sang us. It was cool. Best times. After school, all submitted documents mostly in two universities - a conservatory and "Gnesinka". When I was in the graduation class, my teacher, Alekseevna Marchenko's associate professor, led me to the professor of the Gnesian Academy Alexey Valerevich Starodubrovsky, and I decided that I would come to him. After graduating from school, the documents immediately submitted documents in the Ram named after Gnesini, without submitting a second set to the conservatory. So I did.

- What pianists are you most impressed?

- Among your favorite pianists find someone alone. It all depends on what style they play, and throughout the time tastes can change. Previously, for example, admired Guldom, Ashkenazi, Berezovsky. Now closer to Argerich, Klaiburn, Cyerman, Sultanov, Pletnev. From modern pianists, perhaps YUNDI Li (Winner of the Chopin Competition in Warsaw, 2000) and Luca Debarg (Laureate of the 4th Award of the Tchaikovsky Competition, 2015).

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