Without panic: how to overcome the fear of sex


Sex can how to make you forget in the arms of the partner, and cause a serious psychological trauma if you are not ready to open before the partner. The causes of fear before sex may be an incredible amount, we decided to talk about the most effective ways to combat this phobia.

Admit to yourself that the problem exists

There is nothing worse than the negation of the existing problem. The first step in the fight against fear will be awareness of what is the reason why you need to choose time and make a list of things that strain you most. A visual description of the problem will help take steps to eliminate it, for this you can contact a person who trusts that he gives you the necessary advice in a difficult situation. The more you will deal with the subject of your fear, the easier it will be to eliminate the problem and finally get pleasure in the hands of a partner.

More practice

As a rule, the sex refuses if the previous intimate experience turned out to be painful. So that fear completely did not destroy your sex life, start acting, namely concentrate on positive moments in sex: Think that you bring more pleasure.

In addition, do not push the partner, but simply show him how to act, perhaps your problem is that you just do not know what you like both.

Do not be afraid to open before partner

Do not be afraid to open before partner

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Do not hide emotions

Sex is about emotions, so the pressure in physical and psychological plan will not accurately benefit. If you experience awkwardness, so tell your partner: no need to act through force. However, do not leave the problem of unresolved: if you can not overcome the scenario in the bed of sink by half, feel free to seek help from a specialist.

Always think about your safety

Women accompanies a large number of unrest on sex, for example, unplanned pregnancy, infection, fear of getting injury. Fortunately, at the moment there are many ways to minimize risks, using one of the most suitable ways of contraception. So that you do not have an intimate trouble, it will not be superfluous to follow the following rules:

- Do not take alcohol in large quantities immediately before sex, since the changed consciousness will not allow you to securely protect yourself during intimate contact.

- Agree to sex only when you are psychologically ready for it.

- If you know that tonight you will definitely contact with a new acquaintance, tell your friends about your location in advance.

- Do not ignore contraception!

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