October: not to get out of the fortress, do not succumb to provocations and not let alone


October - the concentration of 2018 energy itself, almost repeats and concentrates the events of the whole year, squeezing it to thirty calendar days, each of which is significant by events. Is it a good period or bad? Neither one nor the other.

Every time - the result of our life, with its achievements and with her misses, but like any city, every month has its own architecture, and the architecture of October is the architecture of the medieval bastion - the fortress living through the centuries established by the Regulations, where it is clearly clear where their own And where are the strangers. But even for the most fortified fortresses, the story always has the key - a trump card, for each October his Trojan horse, and by October 2018 this trump card has long been cooked in the sleeve. How not to lose the battle for October? Do not go out of the fortress, do not succumb to provocations and not let in the fortress of strangers, even if they come in the form of gifts.

October - Energy Concentration itself 2018

October - Energy Concentration itself 2018

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Love, family

The love of October is more like love not to a person, but to a system in which each person has its own place and its function. Make sure that you love, do not correspond - it means that you will be brought into line with. A person with intelligence is easy to understand this simple rule and for a while to become a full-fledged participant in the defense of the territory, family, genus and clan. It is more difficult for those who perceive any system as a restriction of their own freedom, although the very concept of freedom in human systems is very conditional.

There is no equality and will not, neither between different floors, or between people as a whole, because we are created unequal. The more you have positive contacts inside the family in a large-scale understanding, not only with parents, but also all close blood, those you are in a safer position. The big partition, the greater the chances of suffering Fiasco.

Family relations in October require historical memory and return to the rules of past eras. This applies to all certainly and imposes a special responsibility for family happiness for men, fathers, grandfathers and grandchildren. If they behave not as it should be done to lead a man, - the whole system will fail. A man showing weakness in October is the reason for the failures of the whole family. And what remains women? To endure and know your place? Partly this is exactly the case, but there is still female intuition, to which there is a need to listen, and October - it is only 30 days.

Than children closer to grandparents and to grandmothers, the more benefit for everyone in the family

Than children closer to grandparents and to grandmothers, the more benefit for everyone in the family

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Than children closer to grandparents and to grandmothers, the more benefit for everyone in the family. October allows practically without distortion to tell the descendants of the family history, which is the most important among all other stories of the world. At this time, children have an increased interest in the past. Open old albums with photos, find old medals and diplomas, find the spectacles of the maturity of the Letter, find old-fashioned clothes, tools, interior items and tell the story about the old service or samovar who got from the ancestors. Tell your fairy tales who heard in their childhood, customize them as a radio receiver on genetic memory. Children will not be easy during this period, defensive reactions restrain their natural rush to the development of space, and then they can go to the provocation of aggression to their address with one goal only - act on counterattacks. The task of adults is to help children master this world without provocations.


Work in October will not present special problems, in any case, the ability to intrigue falls sharply decreases sharply, and even unsurpassed career growth experts somewhat die their appetite, and therefore, the rest, not even thought about career, a chance for equal conditions may appear . Devotion was always highly appreciated, but in this October is a special topic, and therefore the change of activity is not welcomed by neither old nor new bosses to which you come as a potential employee. An exception is only a personal invitation to work.

With the startup now it is better not to rush

With the startup now it is better not to rush

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


In October 2018, to any new business should be treated with great care, and if there is an opportunity, it is impossible to rush with the startup. This period is not suitable for the start of something new, but the continuation and improvement of the old will always benefit, the resumption of partnerships or the repair of the grandmother's chest, all continuations of the past will be able to success. The productive period in October at archaeologists and historians, the year itself is rich in discovery in this area, and October systematization will lead humanity to new knowledge and new discoveries. Everyone without exception, and first of all children, it's time to get knowledge of history and archeology.


As a rule, October for the northern hemisphere is a comfortable period for the health of the population, but born in April should be remembered that their immune status is extremely low and there is a need to beware of high moral and physical exertion. In October 2018, under the blow, the health of many leaders of all levels of management. October does not matter who you are a field of field brigade, royal blood lady or army boss. Those who manage people are the target.

Traveling of October is favorable in the western direction from the place of birth

Traveling of October is favorable in the western direction from the place of birth

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Financial success of October primarily depends on your sense of debt and your personal leaning. If you work exclusively for the sake of money, then they will not be, if the work itself has a deep meaning that enhances your genus and clan, then the money will be.


Traveling of October is favorable in the western direction from the place of birth, with a mandatory visit to historical sites related to your personal history or history of a kind and clan. Moving in space is not bad to combine with obtaining information on historical and archaeological events to the whole family! If you have not been in my homeland for a long time - remember that this is the most important direction of your October journey.


At the base of the October diet should be dishes related to ancient recipe, and above all it is meat, vegetables and fruits cooked on an open fire. There is a need to remember those times when people still did not know the saucepan and pan, and the wild beast was always there.

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