Do not pull in the mouth: products that are harmful to your child


We want to give your child only the best, however, without noticing, we give preference to the products that carry more harm to the children's body than the benefits. We collected a list of the most popular products in the children's diet, we suggest you familiarize yourself and reduce their appearance on the children's table.

The juice

Finished juices represent a real danger for the body of the baby. In one cup of finished juice contained about 6 teaspoons of sugar! Such a quantity of sugar violates the carbohydrate exchange, because of which your baby may encounter non-health health problems, for example, with diabetes. Pediatricians advise to replace juices on fresh fruits or squeeze their home on their own.


If your baby loves yogurt, carefully read the composition on the jar before you buy a product. Yogurt should not be sweet and low-fat: only in this case, the finished yogurt will not harm the tender organism. From yogurts with additives should be refused not only to your baby, but also the whole family.

Ready breakfast

Colorful boxes that are sitting in appetitive pictures, it is also impossible to call a useful product. As in juices with yogurts, flakes and chocolate balls contain a huge amount of sugar. In addition, in the manufacture of dry breakfasts, the grain is cleaned from all sorts of shells, and therefore, in addition to simple carbohydrates, nothing remains. After a couple of hours after such breakfast, the child will begin to hone and ask for. If possible, go around the counter with colored boxes, instead, prepare a delicious and useful porridge with the child.

Glazed Cheese

One of the most popular breakfast products is mostly in adults, but children are not lagging behind such a tasty, but at the same time no less harmful glazed chew. A tasty alternative to the cheese will perform natural cottage cheese, which you can combine with jam or fresh berries. The baby will be delighted with cottage cheese-fruit delicacy!

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