Alena Khmelnitsky: "Alexander younger than me, but non-critical"


Alena Khmelnitskaya - a sample of a pleasant combination of beauty and mind, has sincerity, goodwill and ease of communication. And it remains a constant, despite the peripetia in personal life. A few years ago, it would seem ideal in all senses of a couple - Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitsky - broke up, although they were together about twenty years. The actress opened the veil and told about how this difficult period survived and met new love.

- Alain, it seems, even recently, you just started a career, and today you have an adult daughter who stands on the threshold of an independent professional life, ending the university in the United States. And you have the beginning of everything, in my opinion, became "Juno" and "Avos" in "Lenkom".

- Certainly! It was a huge event, because I, in fact, grew up on this performance, as the mother worked on it the second balletmaster at the invitation of Vladimir Vasilyeva. I was on all rehearsals and then on every play sat in the orchestral pit. And in fact, it was because of the "Juno", I decided to act on the acting faculty. So I was happy, hitting the "Junon" and in Lenk, although it was broken between rehearsals and sessions. I had two lives: one is a student, and the second is an adult, acting. At the fourth year, it was not even tried to other theaters, because it was already in Lenkom. By the end of the institute, the question "What to do next?" It was inactive. But if I was not invited to "Juno", with my theater career could all turn differently.

- And then you understood that in the "Lenkom" - then a dead end?

- Yes, I knew this theater so well that I understood the whole situation. Although, probably, everyone else was waiting for the distribution, simply could not leave there. In addition, then it began to actively remove. Plus, a personal life appeared. With Tigran, I met immediately after the institute, and at twenty two years I was married. Soon I became pregnant with Sasha, could no longer jump on the stage in the role of the cumsows (laughs) and just left the theater. No thought of return.

- You did not want to extend a pleasant romantic and irresponsible period of dating?

- No, because from the very beginning everything was serious, and at the same time fun and frivolously, without global troubles about this. Well, married, and excellent. We immediately began to discuss the wedding, like what will happen.

- It was the beginning of the nineties, a difficult time, the movies also experienced a difficult period. Tigran seemed to you a promising young man?

- Sure! He worked a lot. And it seemed to me that for his age he was very serious and full of all kinds of plans. And the main thing is absolutely sure that everything will be fine - and in the profession, and in the rest. I understood that he was definitely responsible, reliable, and knew that the family means for him.

Alena Khmelnitsky:

"Lily of Silver" - one of the most favorite films actresses

Personal archive of Alena Khmelnitsky

- You were not afraid that a child would be born and will change your relationship?

- No, completely. And I really wanted a child. We were where to live, the parents helped, so we did not think about many things that worried young at the time. The period was not easy, but not hopeless. Of course, Sasha changed everything. It makes sense, understanding why all this is needed. Her birth was absolutely organic, I don't know how I lived without her.

- A year after birth, you become the boutique boutique. The cinema almost disappeared, but it was possible to seem in theaters, and not to go into business. Why did you decide for such a step?

"Probably, all the redistribution in our country did it at me that I decided to this work, it seemed to me insanely interesting. The boutique I considered solely from the point of view of my fantasies, a cinema idea of ​​what a pleasant thing is to do fashionable clothing. I thought that of me could get a cool business woman (laughs), and when Tigran starts a movie to shoot, I will play him, and maybe not only he. I then didn't want to go to the theater's troupe, because I understood that I dear freedom.

- And after what time was the beautiful life with a boutique ended?

- He existed for three years, but I received pleasure, only when they brought a new collection, they post - and people began to buy. I earned something, but it was impossible to call it a successful activity. In addition, the process was not so creative as I imagined him, and it became apparent from the very beginning. (Laughs.)

- year after the birth of Sasha, and then for some time you lived quite modestly. How did you transfer it and what did you think about the future?

- All now remember the nineties with a criminal tint. We were all alone, although Tigran had customers of advertising and clips that crossed this world. The time of change was incredibly sharp, the spirit of freedom was felt, foreign trips began, so the descent did not attend me. Probably because we were very young. Then the movie began to revive, the first series appeared. Tigran began to shoot movies. And everything really began with the "Lily of Silver", which I love very much.

Alena Khmelnitsky:

In the entrepreneurial play "Fantasy Fickieva"

- But Sasha did not choose the acting profession, chose a filmmaker. Why?

- She has no acting essence and absolutely not acting brains. She spent a lot of time on the set, she liked this process, but on the other side of the camera. She always had an analytical view, without faith in the proposed circumstances. (Laughs.) In May, she finishes studies at the Director-Produce of the Faculty. Ahead of open life. With the best situation, immediately remove your film there it will not be able. But I think that it would be the same. So we live - see!

- Departure Sasha, in my opinion, also became a certain milestone for you. You were just like two girlfriends. How did you come to letting her go abroad?

"When she turned sixteen, she went to receive an American school diploma in England." Just then Ksyushka was born. By that time, Sasha had already decided that he wanted to engage in filmmakers, and we were ready for her departure abroad. And we did not set it on it. She taught the English language that she walked very successfully, in addition to this she ended the German school, where the second language was French.

Alena Khmelnitsky:

In the musical "Cinderella" Khmelnitskaya demonstrated their vocal data

- When Sasha was leaving, was it still beautiful with Tigran?

I then did not stand the question: I remain alone or not, because it was Sasiino's decision. Because of his egoism, I would not leave her with him. But when the daughter went, I felt madly lonely, because we really were very close with her in recent years, especially that year when I went pregnant. I did not work and dedicted to her all the time. We lived together in Nice before the birth of Ksyusha and after. Sasha traded me incredibly there: he did not give lifting heavy bags, closed the umbrella from the sun, talked to doctors and went to the hospital with me when it was time.

- After the birth of Ksyusha, you had no feeling that you returned to sixteen years ago, when did Sasha appear?

- I did not feel any return to youth. But I did not rebuild my brains to such an extent so that I would become age masters. (Laughs.) After the birth of Ksyusha, I generally shifted a little time, the infancy of Sasha seemed to be quite recently. But during this time the world changed and I myself. Still, when you give birth to a person who has already been held, several other priorities. You understand that the profession is a profession, but the child is more important. I became shooting when Ksyusha was half a year, although I had no sharp desire to work. Just it happened. And in general, I was all easier for thirty-nine years. (Laughs.) I did not think what to buy diapers.

I absolutely clearly remember how one day I woke up and physically felt that I had to have another child. I think Ksyusha knocked me. And from the moment we tigranted closely took up this issue. The husband was very "for", he always said that children in the family should be at least two. The pregnancy was long-awaited, and then I was so immersed in these emotions, which, honestly, probably let go some things. I did not care if I was particularly worried, I was not particularly interested in anything. And Tigran had its own television program, which he was very passionate.

- Later you did not think that in your parting there is also your fault, because you then let you go a lot?

- both are always to blame in parting. I think we took a little earlier in different directions. Probably, the changes begin when you feel in a relationship something is sharply worried. But you think: "In principle, everything is not bad? Why change something? " And this is a mistake. Nothing happened suddenly, it developed for quite a long time. And our parting for any of us did not become some surprise.

Alena has two daughters. Younger, ksyusha, six years

Alena has two daughters. Younger, ksyusha, six years

- More than once for many years of our dating, I watched you with Tigran together, and always felt like you come to each other, what kind of lives you have ...

- That's exactly - alive. (Laughs.) We also had crises, and complex stages in work and personal relationships. We are emotional people. So everything happened violently. (Laughs.)

- Did you share your experiences with Sasha?

- Naturally. After all, she lived with us and perfectly knew everything and understood. We are with her loved ones, so I did not hide anything. And in general, we did not do the form that nothing happens. Sasha worried all his life because of our relationship (laughs), as well as much more with us. She is a touching, sensitive person.

- Maybe for Sasha, your parting went easier, because she left and distracted her new life?

- I hope it happened, but it has long been an adult person. I almost always felt the younger next to her. But Ksyusha is another, very child, and while she mostly lives in his world, in fantasies. And it is much more restless and active than Sasha. When she is born some plan, he is immediately trying to implement it. May turn and go somewhere without saying nothing. Therefore, you must ride. (Laughs.)

- Would you be harder to survive the situation without Ksyusha?

- I do not know how it would be. Ksyusha is one solid joy, and she gives me a lot of strength.

- And how did she perceive the fact that the dad is no longer there constantly?

"She didn't perceive it in any way, because she was very small." And now does not ask questions. Every weekend she goes to dad and perfectly communicates with his sister and brother. Therefore, we have complete harmony.

- When you posted in the social network photo with Margarita Simonyan, a new wife Tigran, it was a rush to tell about your relationship or some shower?

- I am not a rapid man. We just spent the time perfectly, photographed, and we wanted to post a photo.

And the elder, Alexander, finishes university in the US

And the elder, Alexander, finishes university in the US

Personal archive of Alena Khmelnitsky

- And now continue to communicate?

- Sure. We are talking to Rita. They with Tigran were our guests at the bottom of birth, we have them. She is a smart man. I generally recently appreciate the mind and adequacy. Stupid people are dangerous. They may be cruel, but often do not even understand what they make a person hurt.

- Do you remember when I felt the need for love?

- No, I did not want anything. He herself was never looking for her. And at that moment he was sacrificed. In principle, I am a self-sufficient person and I think that it is absolutely optional if you are alone, then you are not successful. I have no complexes on this subject. But I, not looking for any feeling and relationship, have never been deprived of them.

- But did you have a time-out?

- Sure. But I did not sit at home in the proceedings with me, but I went somewhere, talked, got acquainted, but I did not agree anything. I was shot, I went to the film festivals, I was very involved in public life and did not give me any opportunity to complain about what happened, sorry myself, discuss the situation with someone. My girlfriends were out of all this.

- Revaluation of men also happened?

- Now I can no longer talk about it abstract, because there is a person next. (Smiles.) This is a businessman Alexander Sinyushin. I really appreciate the mind - in a man especially. But if you don't feel anything in your heart, then why do you need this person? Communicate just like that. There are people with whom you can have time to spend time, and then happy to go home one.

- That is, to calculate the formula of love, what does your heart respond, it is impossible?

- Sure. The only thing I became more selfish and now I think that two people should be better than one way. There is a wonderful phrase: "You should be fine with a man, but I can live badly." Probably, it is already impossible to fall in love with a fool (although it is not necessary, he must be spino), in a non-generous man. I can not be with a person who does not apply to respect and understanding to my work. And, of course, the most important thing is that I have a very strong mother-cue instinct, and a man must have contact with my child. I understood it clearly. Ksyusha Sasha immediately liked. And precisely because of her relationship to him, I had the idea that it could be serious, full-fledged relationships.

- Are you peers with Alexander?

- No, he is younger than me, but not catastrophically. (Laughs.)

- How quickly developed events after acquaintance? Did not have time to come to his senses, how was the heart of the heart?

- No, still I managed to come to my senses. (Laughs.) We have talked with Sasha long enough. Now we have been living together for almost a year, and before that they met, the time was perfect, and in principle it could continue further. I liked this ease - I myself, I have my own life. All of us satisfied until some moment, and then we realized that we were already worse separately, and this situation annoying. We decided to carefully try to live together.

- Have you already wanted to take care of someone and get care?

- Yes, I wanted, but already specifically with this person.

- Your views on life, on people, are on pleasure coincide?

- We all coincide exactly as I would like. There is nothing that I loved, but he is not. Including preferences in rest, and taste addiction are similar. Apparently, it happens. (Smiles.)

- Do you intersect areas of activity?

- Hardly ever. He is engaged in business in the field of music, but from the technical side. And loves what I love. (Laughs.) It is necessary to just feel each other. Sasha has friends and acquaintances from the acting world, with whom he communicates, so for him all this is not new. In general, the profession does not have absolutely no meaning. You must optionally be from one circle. While we are all harmonious. Let's hope so it will be.

Businessman Alexander Sinyushin is not from the creative environment, but it does not interfere with mutual understanding

Businessman Alexander Sinyushin is not from the creative environment, but it does not interfere with mutual understanding

- Your participation in the musical "Cinderella" can be considered a certain return in the past, since "Juno" and "Avos" is a musical performance. By the way, for many, the revelation that you are a singing actress.

- It is ... Acting. In the Studio School, I was engaged in vocals, besides this, I did not have any professional skills. Therefore, playing a pop singer in Lily Silver, I did not sing. And in the "Cinderella" of my vocal data, although, of course, you need to fall into notes. (Laughs.) Just stepmother is a characteristic role, it is not necessary to be a supervocalist. Otherwise I would not call me. During rehearsals, I dealt with beautiful vocal teachers and was once again convinced that any muscles - and bundles are also a muscle - can be trained if there is a deposit.

- When you were approved in Cinderella, you were so happy, as if at Spielberg. Why?

"Because I've been crazy about this genre since childhood." As soon as we had a video recorder brought in the family, brought by parents from abroad, I began to watch films with Fred Aster, "singing under the rain", "Cabaret" and other musicals. Video tapes were transferred from hand to hand. Secondly, participation in it was something unknown for me, exit from the comfort zone. We worked at the limit of forces. Already in the final stage of rehearsals with scenery and orchestra, I left in the morning, and returned to a deep night. I had insane physical fatigue, because besides the schedule it was still complex costumes, heels, stairs, microphones ...

- Alena, how do you think now: in forty five life just starts?

- At least, good life is exactly going on. Naturally, some sad thoughts attend me, more precisely, they skip, despite all my optimism. We are thinking people. (Laughs.) But I still have much more than life. With age, there was more awareness and responsibility for actions, the inside-dental calm came, I see the connection of things. And no longer sailing downstream. I understand why I communicate with one person, but I don't want to do with the other. In general, life has changed, and what is happening in it now is my choice, and not an accident.

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