Elena Podikynskaya: "I do not understand how to simulate passion!"


Elena was born in a musical family. Her father, Ilya Pod, the founder of the Children's School of Arts "Rainbow" in Shcherbinka. Based on its author's technique, each "rainbow" child has received the opportunity to learn music, dancing, visual art, acting. Attending classes really liked both Elena, but the thrust for the theater rearranged everything - she continued at Schukin's Theater Institute. Alexander Shirvindt, which to this day calls the Pyachkin one of his favorite students. The Public Theater knows Elena in its bright work at the Satira Theater. Well, the explosion of popularity happened to the actress thanks to the TV series "Kitchen", where she plays a major role. Now the "Ice Age" show appeared in the life of Helena: there she is paired with Peter Chernyshov creates beautiful compositions on the ice. In an interview, as during our photo shoot, the actress appeared differently: the stubborn maxim, vane and creative in nature and an incredibly touching, tender mother.

Lena, what image is close in clothes?

Elena Podikynskaya: "I love a variety: I am pleasure to change change. In everyday life, I want to feel in clothes as comfortable as possible, convenient and cozy. I like elegance, but without courage: without chic gloss, gold, velvet. As for the exits in the light, I am for experiments. I am interested to imagine myself in the image of a Vamp woman, then a romantic heroine, then loafed hooligans. Special pleasure - to think with my favorite stylists Look: Makeup, accessories.

Your grandfather was the head of the Atelier. Probably, he instilled a sense of style?

Elena: "No. I think the atelier has nothing to do with it. Mom has more influenced me. Well, of course, a role was played by his own desire to like, be feminine, attractive, semolia. Already in childhood, I completely unconsciously wanted to make the impression and ... to affect the hearts of the boys. " (Laughs.)

Have you been the first beauty class?

Elena: "No, I never thought. Now I like me much more. There was an understanding that my, and what not. External appearance is also the reflection of the inner state and feeling in life. The feeling that I finally "got into myself", I had relatively recently. In the class I was very sociable, open, emotional and therefore liked the guys, I was always in love with me, sometimes even a few people. But I had no feeling of the "first beauty" ".

Batalia happened, fights?

Elena: "Yes, it happened. I remember, somehow, at the school evening, two boys immediately invited me to the dance. And then the smoke began to find out the relationship, who will still dance with me. I do not remember my emotions at that moment: whether it was pride or maybe fear. But the fact itself struck me. "

Then, probably, for the first time realized power over the male hearts?

Elena: "I never wanted to feel power. I always wanted ... be the only one ... When you fill in full swill by another person and become for a loving man with the center of his universe. And only such relationships I need. "

Psychologists claim that love for a woman is an endwort, and for a man it is a feedback to perform feats in the external world.

Elena: "I have a challenging perception of postulates" there is an opinion "," say "... everything is individually. Therefore I will not argue. There were no other relations in my life. And if I did not feel the maximum coupling, the hot, the heat, then went away. Even if I had the most severe feeling, the desire and thirst for this man, I am through spiritual flour, through pain tearing our connection. The main thing for me is the experience of the integrity of the relationship, that we are one whole, we live and breathe each other. And if I understood that the man does not have such significance, the values ​​of our world, it is better in any way. "

Elena Podikynskaya since childhood is accustomed to serious work: engaged in music, danced, drawing. And it gave results.

Elena Podikynskaya since childhood is accustomed to serious work: engaged in music, danced, drawing. And it gave results.

Lilia Charlovskaya

There were a lot of disappointments?

Elena: "Yes ... Maybe I, God forbid, still have to survive, but I never threw me. Never. I left. There were a lot of experiences, the soul rushed ... I have always worried about all my parting tragic. It seemed to me, all, the end ... But at some point in life, an understanding came that this is the wrong feeling of love. Love is not a spill, not pain. This is the light. "

Is it a coincidence of two halves or painstaking work?

Elena: "Of course, the relationship without creation is cooled or even dying. But, on the other hand, a great miracle, when you meet a "your" person. It can be coincided in everything, but in something. For me, proximity and spiritual, and physical. I can not say that in the first place. I will suffer, not feeling peaceful kinship, and I will be completely mad, if the sensual coincidence does not happen. I do not understand how you can simulate love and passion for the man that man felt great. "

When did you feel the actress for the first time?

Elena: "The desire to become an actress arose too long ago to remember this. It was present from early childhood, manifested in my games, fantasies, "demonstration performances", the desire to observe people. When I studied at the Theater Institute, my teacher told the phrase: you feel the actress after success. While studying, I happened such amazing moments. Perhaps the most powerful first impression is the work on the role of the deaf-dumb girl (the heroine of one of the stories Chekhov). I suddenly realized that I found an image and I could exist in it. I know this girl: her plastic, essence, look, her breath. When I went to the scene, I "got out" in my heroine. And caught a crazy feeling. This is a huge acting happiness - to be free in the way you play. Probably, then I felt that I could be actress. "

And there was some idea of ​​the profession? Flowers fans, bath with champagne?

Elena: "So I never thought. I have been accustomed from childhood to serious work: I was engaged in music, danced, drawing. Yes, and life earlier was different, not so glamorous. (Laughs.) I have never experienced illusions about the profession, that this is only glory, adoration and admiration of fans. Although, as an actress, I love reincarnation, and I am pleased to look for the look for your "exit to the light." But I can not say that I am reveling. Moreover, I allow myself to participate in some secular events, only if it does not go to the detriment of the work. "

Elena Podikynskaya:

For the history of love wiki and Maxim - the heroes of the TV series "Kitchen" - the millions of television views are followed. .

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan said that finding his theater is just as difficult as a loved one. Did you get lucky with this?

Elena: "Having met a loved one, you do not get rid of problems. With the theater - even more difficult. Once at the Satire Theater, I began to play comedy and characteristic roles, although the teachers at the institute were led as a dramatic heroine. And I often be sad about what could not be played while playing. The Satire Theater has its own preferences in terms of material selection. Neither Ophelia nor Juliet, nor Lady Macbeth, nor Nastasya Filippovna, neither sadness in my life has yet happened. Each role that I get in the theater, I love, work on it with trepidation. But who knows how my acting fate would be, I will be in another theater? "

And with Alexander Shirvindht, did you immediately have a relationship?

Elena: "Yes. Sometimes some moments are remembered, it seems to be insignificant at first glance. I remember the second course of the Theater Institute, the collection. I stand on the porch, turn my head and suddenly I see walking on the way to the institute of Alexander Anatolyevich. "Ah!" - I had some exclamation. "You!" - There was an inner joy in this, delight. He also sharply slowed down, stopped, looked somehow gentle. And here I am already running towards him to say hello to greet. And this my sigh, and his instantaneous response to my joy was remembered for life. Probably from this moment and there was a coincidence between us ... My adoration of this person is akin to my adoration of the most expensive native people for me. This is a deep, gentle feeling. I feel happiness from communicating with him in any form - professional, personal. It happens, he will go into the dressing room in front of the performance and simply say something, it is not necessary to work, - and immediately warm in the soul. This man is one of its kind, "piece copy", as he himself jokes. "

It is not discernment that shooting in the TV series "Kitchen" brought you much more popularity than labor-intensive, daily work in the theater?

Elena: "I don't think about it. I am equally demanding about my work in the theater and in the movies. I am expensive that people, having learned me through the "kitchen", then come to my performances to get acquainted closer. This new topic for me is a connection with the viewers, which has appeared lately. And I will say frankly - I am shocked ... Popularity came to me on time, in the right age. It does not relax me, does not demolish his head. Spectator love and sympathy just saturate me with good and warm. After all, there are really a lot of strength and courage, it is necessary that with all these incredible loads do not reduce the level of the level that is the only acceptable. This is a great happiness - to realize that your work affects people, gives them the joy and the possibility of empathy. Letters that I write on social networks on my pages! I sometimes scare and think: "God! Will it really about me! Can not be so! "I am very critical of myself. And, probably, it is necessary to relax more and trust yourself, to take what I am. Sometimes I feel that I am just at the gap of aorta. I think so why do I need all this?! Maybe this is increased ambition? And then it turns out a good performance, in which there is power, and meaning, and emotions, and it touches the hearts. Then I understand: I'm not in vain, I suffered. "

Elena Podikynskaya:

"There was always someone in love with me, sometimes even a few people. But I never had the feeling of the "First Beauty". "

Gennady Avramenko

You are also busy in the "Ice Period" ...

Elena: "Yes, for me it is a new" ninth shaft ", a huge internal struggle and tension. Petya Chernyshov and I completely coincided in our maximalism. He feels my serious, demanding attitude to work and tries to give everything to the maximum. We are a lot and trained for a long time. People who are engaged in figure skating from the small years, work over the database for years and only then begin to create something (seriously creating). I have never stood before any skates, and now the most tough externus began in my life. "

You do not have ice fear?

Elena: "There is, of course! Both knees, and elbows are already well repulsed. (Laughs.) And on one of the workouts I fell and hit my head. "Oh my God! What am I doing? "- I thought then. But I try to drive bad thoughts and work more, so that the very freedom has come to expressive existence in any composition. I hurry - no time! "

Why did you get involved in it? Actress, who has enough tight schedule?

Elena: "Probably, if I were offered incredible full meters with the most interesting plots and serious directors, I would think and wondered. But for now I am only waiting for such projects. I want to say that the "kitchen" is a high plank in the genre of the series. I have something to compare with: so much non-communal roles of some sexy or investigators were offered me. Uninteresting, meaningless dialogues, stories that I, as actress, is almost impossible to justify! There is a completely different level of my creative effort, and this is valuable. The image of Victoria Sergeyevna, uncompromising and confident women, which I play, gave me some kind of own inner power. I probably overcome a timby girl, a schoolgirl in himself, a schoolgirl, an exemplary. I can not say that I am dissatisfied with the softness inherent in me and in some cases defenselessness, but sometimes the courage is required to have the right to speak and personally, and professionally. Thanks to my heroin, I suddenly felt that I was strong. In the first season, I, honestly, still deceived the viewer that I have the right to be Victoria Sergeyevna. The degree of my spiritual trembling in front of many scenes of the manifestation of the powerful, authoritarian leader, what is Vika, it is impossible to describe. For me, big courage - play such a woman! " (Laughs.)

It happens that in life the image for some time takes over you top?

Elena: "It happened recently. I came to the samples, and the director (by the way, the woman) is absolutely tactless and in the derogatory tone talked. Not only did you have a partner, and the scene itself was emotional, strong (without a partner it is difficult to play), so also the analysis of flights looked completely non-attilely. I apologized and said: "Sorry, I'll go. Apparently, you are not my director, but I do not have your actress. It makes no sense to continue to communicate. " For the first time in my life I did not rush and did not endure a unpleasant situation for me. Acknowledge, sometimes I just tear me from the inside to the part of the text that I should pronounce, from those tasks that are put in front of me on the set. And I rather from my own inner despair I get very strict and tough. Apparently, so I'm trying at least somehow express my protest. So if people think that I gazed out and turned into some kind of bitch, then it is not. " (Laughs.)

Your little daughter is already aware of who her mother?

Elena: "In my opinion, she has some troubled ideas: whether the actress, or the dancer, or the figure skater. (Last year, Elena became the winner of the project "Dancing with the Stars". - Approx. Aut.) Although sometimes it is very funny says: "My mother, actress Pod,". I recently call her: "Favorite, how are you?" She answers: "Mommy, I can not talk now. I'm going to work, then I have a shoot, I will dance there. " She absolutely accurately copies my stormy working life, all these negotiations on the run. And, of course, it is very difficult every morning to hear the question: "Mommy, and you have a day off today?" When I run into training, she screams: "Mommy, I want with you." Sometimes I take her with me. We even bought her skates, she wants to learn to ride. Polina is very plastic, and it manifests more and more. In December, the daughter will be four years old, and it is no longer just dancing, but creates entire compositions to the music. They still look at the records of my performances with the "dance with the stars." Polinochka goes to ballet. She has a lot of educational games. And dad, and nanny, and grandfather - all very warm, wise, inventive people. I am happy that I was able to organize such a life for my child in which she feels endless attention. All her desires, emotions find a response, every day she has a holiday. But, of course, I worry because I can't spend so much time with her, no matter how much I wanted. Next to CSKA, where my workouts are held in the ice show, there is a kindergarten, and it periodically rolling sobs when I hear: "I want to go home, to my mother!" Once I could not stand it, ran up to this child, I ask: "Where is your Mom? "" At work. " And here I myself almost broke together with him. Because I'm just that Mom, which at work. So strange it turned out that these great interesting projects, which I was very waiting for, appeared in my life now when I have a small child. The biggest victim in my everyday work is a daughter. I worry that the corner of time from communicating with it. But, no matter what, we have unreal proximity and understanding of each other. It is very important".

Elena Podikynskaya:

"The daughter asks:" Mom, when will you give me a little? " I answer: "As soon as I have a free day off!" Photo: twitter.com/@ipodkaminskaia.

Are you similar in nature?

Elena: "Yes, very. It is the same emotionally open, impulse, choking from his experiences. Very sociable. Although with someone else's careful, first looks short - whether it is worth opening right away. In this sense, I am even more trusting. "

Polina was a long-awaited child?

Elena: "Yes, very. I spent the whole morning with her today. And it was happiness! All her bathed, the Maslitsa flashed, kissed the handles, legs, her fingers are small. She likes it, she often says: "Mom, let's go kissing!" We lay down on the bed, and the daughter just goes down. "A-A-A-A" - begging in such a thin ridiculous voice when I histed her sweet heels, palms, my whole girl is loved. Under the impression of this happiness running to the training. And there I am already meeting with the harsh reality "Troyeks" and "crossing", which I have not very much. Recently it was so funny. He came home after training, fell on the bed, the legs buzz. Here Polina is attached to the side: "Mommy, when will you give me little?" I answer: "As soon as I have a free day off." (Laughs.) I really like to buy your daughter beautiful things, shoes. We arrange a defile, fashionable shows. I want her to understand how to combine things with each other, what to wear with what. And somehow, she says: "Mom, well, you are a heroist! Poncook me just! Now it is necessary to give birth another girl. "

Mutually made maternity?

Elena: "I am in essence the explosive person and very persistent. I want everything to be perfect for my daughter to grow up with a brought up man. Sometimes in the store had to watch the scenes when the children arrange wild tantrums, heads about the wall: "I don't want to measure it! I will not! "We are with Polyna, when we see such reactions, just pressed into the wall. It is not clear how the life of mom and child flows, if there is such a complete lack of understanding and contact. We also had moments with Polina in my life when she suddenly became uncontrollable and I, always softly, showed a rigor. But immediately felt inner remorse. With my daughter is so impossible. It is very individual in its tenderness, fragility, vulnerability. It is necessary to educate it in a different way, so that she was not scary and hurt from the fact that at the moment she is not considered good and correct. And this is my own way: be kinder, tolerant. Adults often feel only themselves, arranging life so that they are comfortable. And the child can have their own motives, their aspirations. He is interested in dirty in dirt, jump over all puddles or one hundred and fifty times to ask the same question. I explain to myself: it means she needs it. I should not bother my own child. It is abnormal when parents get tired of children's tricks, questions. "

It is much more difficult to explain to the child why all delicious is harmful.

Elena: "I am against sweets and all sorts of bulls. I do not like them myself. And Polina, of course, I want cakes, chocolate. And I found biomagazine, where sweets are sold, the most environmentally friendly, without any e-preservatives. In the morning we drink tea with honey. We are talking about the tummy, about how it will be bad if he overtakes, it will have to treat him. And she gradually begins to realize what a healthy lifestyle needs to lead. We all eat in the family right. There is no such that, for example, we eat fat, and we give oatmeal. The daughter has already become used to meat and fish must be served with vegetables, cook porridge on the water, and not on milk. Once in the restaurant she saw someone from visitors ordered Potatoes Fr. And I fasten the heart gave her a little try. But why should I consciously go to McDonalds and there is a hamburger there? The children look at their parents, take an example with them. "

Do you feel Mary Poppins, Lady Perfection?

Elena: "No, absolutely. My separation with the child certainly does not make me so. "

How are you trying to compensate for the lack of time spent together? Are you satisfied with small holidays?

Elena: "We still sleep together. For two and a half years I fed Polina with breasts, and who would tell me that it had long been time to teach her, I was waiting for the moment when we both for this. Joint sleep - and me, and she is very necessary for her yet. This is at least somehow fills my absence. We have very affectionate, gentle relationships. I want her daughter to feel that she is very loved by me. Nevertheless, I am all the time in the inner tension - how to combine and my work, and family affairs. I also want to learn yourself to take: the habit of constantly blames me. I am all the time unhappy. And I want to say: you are beautiful! " (Laughs.)

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