Jean-Pierre Wife: "In French Cinema I never felt in my plate"



On the distant, the god forgotten Rancho in Montana lives a 10-year-old boy. He is very talented and very alone ... although he lives with his parents, sister and twin brother. In Washington, he is waiting for the most prestigious premium for the brilliant scientific invention. How to get there yourself, across America, not a disturbance of parents, not having money and does not really imagine how life is arranged outside the ranch? It's not so difficult if you are bravely, you have an inventive mind, a sense of humor and is ready to fight to the end ...

- The film was shot on the book of Rifa Larsen "Favorite works T. V. Spivot". Have you met the author?

- Yes. With our first meeting with Rain, he told me: "When I looked at Amelie, I had a feeling that someone literally got into my feeder!" There was instantly mutual understanding between us, despite differences in age and vital experience. We seemed to have grown in one family - we have the same tastes, addiction and hobbies. We are to the same things. He is me 30 years ago! Ripief took part in working on a film from the beginning to the end, constantly came to the set, even starred as a statist.

Jean-Pierre Wife:

The main role in the picture was played by Kyle Katlett. Frame from the film "Incredible Journey Mr. Spivut".

- It was hard to find a boy on a major role?

- We were looking for actors in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Los Angeles and London. I do not know how many kids we looked, but none of them interest us. I began to worry. And then one fine day I got a film of one boy. But he was too small: in nine years he looked at seven. And according to the scenario, T. V. and at all 12 years. However, still something was in it! Something unusual, convincing, unique. It was Kyle Katlett. We talked to him in Skype, and he said: "I can cry on demand, I am cool, I am strong, I am the world champion in combat art among children under 7 years old!". It was an extraordinary child. And I decided to shoot it.

- For the role of the Mom of the Spivelet, you took Helen Bonham Carter ...

"I have long wanted to work with Helen." Since he met her on the film crew of David's film FINTER "Fight Club", and she told me in French: "I would like to play in your film when you want!". I like her ingenuity and eccentricity. It is very pleasant to work with her. And she is not afraid of anything. We shot a long double, during which her heroine had to rush between the trolley and the tracking support. She insisted: "I was engaged in gymnastics, I can do it!". Thirty-five doubles were made. Her knees were broken into the blood, but she still did it. And sometimes to cheer me, she portrayed the shooting of A la Tim Burton. She is incredible!

Jean-Pierre Wife:

The role of the Mom Spivot took Helen Bonham Carter. Frame from the film "Incredible Journey Mr. Spivut".

- It seems that the main character T. V. Spevevet belongs to the same family as Miett, the heroine of your film "City of Lost Children", or Amelia in childhood ...

- I identify myself with him. T. V. Successful, he wins the prestigious award due to his creative potential, and when he suddenly detects himself in the center of all attention, his only desire is to return home, to his ranch. It was the same with me: I never felt comfortable in any environment. When I studied at school, just thought how much I lost, I'm not talking about the army. Later, in animated films or in the French cinema, I never felt in my plate. And in Hollywood it was even worse! It always seems to me that I landed not on that planet. I feel comfortable only when I work with those who share my passion for well-done work.

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