Course on Health: 4 Diseases with which office workers suffer


Each field of activity has its own "pitfalls", we decided to find out with what problems most people who spend five days a week in the office faces.

Computer mouse is not so harmless

It would seem how simple mouse can affect our performance? Neurologist specialists take patients practically every week who face the so-called "computer mouse syndrome", which has a second name - the "Capul Channel Syndrome". His symptoms are usually the same in all: a person begins to test tingling, numbness in the first three fingers. At first, the pain can be tolerated, however, it becomes chronic and spent on a visit to the doctor no way. The doctor will prescribe the necessary exercises and tell me how to avoid relapse.

Danger for eyes

It is about the "dry eye syndrome". This problem is also inextricably linked with constant finding opposite the computer monitor, as well as provided that there is too powerful air conditioning in your office. In addition, people who wear contact lenses are also familiar dryness and the feeling of sand in the eyes after a long working day. In this case, it is impossible to let the problem on samonek - it will not be better - consult with an ophthalmologist who will tell you how to pay attention to what eye drops.

Spinal curvature is one of the most popular problems.

Spinal curvature is one of the most popular problems.


Chronic fatigue

If at first, even the most beloved job makes you get up before usual and perform as much as possible from the assigned duties, then over time the body begins to "replicate". Most often, women suffering from constant fatigue suffer from a constant fatigue. Experts have not yet found the exact reason for the occurrence of desire to sleep with any possibility and permanent pains, even when performing elementary tasks. According to psychologists, the most likely reason is psychological: there is a violation in the work of the nervous system, they are not so easy to fight with. If you constantly feel weakness, try to switch attention to another task to another, in order not to overload the brain with monotonous activities, a specialist consultation is needed at the started case.


The problem passing through our entire life starting from school when you have to sit in the wrong position most of the day. Sitting operation leads to stagnation of salts between the vertebrals, and the appearance of cracks in the vertebrae is also observed. In order not to encounter a similar problem, try to add more activity, for example, a great solution to the problem will be visited by Pilates classes, which will help to gently correct small curvature.

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