Crazy about you: signs of men's love


Very often we fall into uncomfortable situations when a pretty colleague or acquaintances showed yourself as a gentleman, missing you forward or offered your help, and we, in turn, have already naughted a happy marriage. The situation is quite popular. We will tell you what signs are the genuine interest of a man from just good upbringing.

How does his interest affect behavior?

Disappears / arms

An unusually modest man literally flourishes as soon as he sees the subject of his adoration on the horizon: he says a lot and in every way trying to attract attention. At the same time, usually a liberated man may feel insecure in the presence of a woman you like. Watch out for changes in his mood.

He is trying to take care of you

If a man bursts and runs to raise a handbag that you accidentally dropped from the table or in the forefront, when you need to help you put on a coat, do not doubt, it's not just gallant gestures, but provided that it happens constantly.

It will reduce the distance between you gradually

It will reduce the distance between you gradually


Learn your opinion

Surely you have common acquaintances. Ask a person you trust, trace the behavior of a potential partner - if in your absence a man does not show interest to what is happening around, but your appearance is incredibly inspired, there can be no doubt about his romantic interest.

He is trying to establish tactile contact

Again, the Council works only if you are familiar with this man. A person who you are not indifferent can not want to be closer to you, and he will do everything possible for this: starting with short touch and gradually achieving your location.

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