From the small years: 6 things you need to teach a child


The task of the parent is not easy to provide a child safe and comfortable conditions, but also teach it seemingly elementary things, but still important for life. So how to do it? Let's tell me further.

Children lack motivation

If your baby does not attend sports sections, it does not mean that physical activity should not be in principle. To accustom a baby to perform at least charging, you need to show him an example and continue to motivate the child every day: Immediately after waking, do some simple exercises, gradually increasing the load. Thus, the child will create installation - there are things that need to be performed on time.

Work over the skill of organizing your time together with the child

Do not think that the child will cope with this task independently: not every adult is able to live on a schedule, what to talk about children. To make a little easy task, together with the child, make a schedule and put it, and better hang, on a prominent place. If unplanned affairs appear, together with the baby, discuss how to adjust the schedule to have everything.

Teach to collect a portfolio

Yes, during the first year of study at school, a child can not always cope with such, it would seem, a simple task. Do it all together, and do not work for the child. Every evening get unnecessary items and assemble the necessary textbooks and notebooks. Do not think that you have time to gather in the morning - for sure something forget. All important things are needed to do it in the evening.

Help keep your homework

Another problem with which the parents of younger students face are untimely doing homework. Again, we help the child to learn discipline: sit down with him and do not give to the little things until all work is performed. However, it is not necessary to put pressure on the rapid psyche: take breaks in the homework for 5-10 minutes.

Do not interfere with the child getting experience

Help the child is needed, but this does not mean that all the questions you must decide for it. Give the child a feeling that you are always ready to support it, but at the same time hold on slightly away. As soon as the child learn how to cope without your participation, give him freedom of action, but still be at pickup.

Tell me what to read and what to watch

Of course, the taste is subjective, however, the child in principle does not have an understanding of what is happening in culture, so the task of the parent is to send a child by the right road. Start with classic children's works, after which you can move to more complex books. The same can be attributed to cartoons and films. Form a good taste as early as possible before the child will have time to "poison" with a poor-quality cultural product among its peers.

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