Most reliable veneers: a professional view


Aesthetics. It is this word that comes to mind when it comes to veneers. Because the purpose of the veneers is to give the front teeth of that aesthetics (forms, colors, positions), which improves the smile of a person, makes it more attractive. Therefore, the veneers became so popular in the last 5-10 years. At the moment we know about the veneers if not all, then almost everything. But from each patient coming to the primary consultation, I hear questions pointing to the misunderstanding of the process of blaming, its stages and rules

So, the veneer is thin (an average of 0.3 - 0.7 mm) a tooth pad (mainly the front 10 teeth included in the smile zone) capable of changing the color, shape, sizes, position, tooth rotation to achieve aesthetics, necessary to the patient. According to the material for the manufacture, composite veneers are distinguished (composite medical and dental) and ceramic. According to the method of manufacturing - straight (manufactured by a patient's mouth in the oral cavity) and indirect (manufactured in the laboratory for dental technician). In recent years, CAD-CAM technology has become popular when the doctor gets digital prints using an intrarocothy scanner and manufactures veneers on the same day in a special milling machine.

Dentist Denis Kratikov - About what veneers are and what they differ from each other

Dentist Denis Kratikov - About what veneers are and what they differ from each other

Photo: @ Dr._Denis_Krutikov

What are the best venions? What are the most reliable? These are the most frequently asked questions. Let's figure it out.

First - In terms of aesthetics, composite and ceramic veneers were equal, allowing to obtain a type of absolutely natural tooth with all its features - transparency, halo effect, macro and microrelief, and so on. Here, first of all, the doctor should figure out all the wishes of the patient and then or in a duet with dental technician to embody them. Why am I talking about the wishes of the patient? Because a smile - the concept is very individual - someone likes naturalness in shape and color, someone is unnatural whiteness, monotony and the same. And in that and in another case, the result will depend on the level of qualifying of a doctor or technology, and not from the selected material.

Second - Strength. Ceramics is stronger than composite, if we are talking about abrasion, but composite is more plastic and trips to strike less often ceramics. In addition, the composite is easier to be repaired, that is, is restored in the case of chick. Now about connecting vinir and tooth. In this moment, we must understand that the composite and ceramic veneer is glued to the teeth in the same way - with the help of a special adhesive system. And the quality of gluing depends directly from the doctor, from his knowledge and manual skills. Therefore, there is a huge number of examples of how the ceramic and composite veneers served their owners for ten years or more, but there are examples of how veneers were dug in a very short time.

The sake of fairness should be said that the photopolymerizable composite and the ceramic mass baked in the furnace give absolutely different in their characteristics of the veneers: the composite is more "soft", it is scratched even from using whitening pastes, it becomes a matte, dull and need it with periodicity half a year - a year to polish to maintain shine, and it is not necessary to polish ceramics, it always glitters as long as manufactured; The composite can eventually become painted with food dyes in the abuse of them (strong coffee without milk, strong tea, red wine, smoking), and ceramics is not painted; Composite fluoresce (glow) in ultraviolet is much brighter than its teeth (relevant for young people visiting nightclubs), but there is no ceramics.

Third - Neither that neither another veneer will last long if the doctor can only prepare his teeth and glue the structures, not put into the situation in the oral cavity, not examining the side (chewing) teeth, the joint, without taking into account the very important thought - all the components of the cauldly Extensive system must be balanced. That is, the teeth, muscles, the temporomandibular joint are in close relationships and the problems of some teeth bend to the rest, which will eventually lead to the overload of veneers and their cracking, rocking, detachment. The doctor should understand the issues of ratology

Fourth - The durability of veneers depends also on how the patient belongs to them, it is necessary to regularly brush their teeth, to use the irrigator. Once a year at least visit your dentist for professional hygiene, inspection, professional polishing (composite veneers). Do not forget that veneers are not intended for the swollen nuts, bones, very hard green apples.

And fifth - price. In whatever clinic you have turned - a budgetary, medium price segment or premium-class - in all ceramic veneers 2-4 times more expensive than composite. This is due to the payment of the work of the dental laboratory and is still not a very serious attitude towards the composite, despite the fact that the amount of direct composite restorations on the whole world around the world exceeds the number of established ceramic structures. And many world luminaries argue that the future is behind composite materials.

Let's summarize . Almost all dentists and dentists operate either alone and the same, or very close materials. However, everyone's result is absolutely different - we can see both true masterpieces of dental art and examples of absolutely ugly work. The reason, no matter how tritely sounds, - in the head and hands of the doctor and technique. A qualified specialist will conduct a comprehensive examination of the shabo-jaw system, will find out the aesthetic preferences of the patient, will hold the stabilization of occlusion and will ideally hold the tooth viniring, regardless of the type of material selected. The intelligent, manual trained, aesthetically developed doctor has always been developed a process from the same level of dental technician. Such specialists are not so much as I would like. Therefore, I recommend to the choice of the attending physician to approach calmly, weigly and deliberately. I wish you all good health and wonderful smiles!

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