No "orange crust": get rid of cellulite at home


Probably one of the most unpleasant problems with which a woman can face in the struggle for a beautiful body - cellulite. Agree, little attractive in the corpusted skin in those places that should, in theory, admire those surrounding on the beach. We will tell, how to deal with the "orange crust" at home.

Massage dry brush

An excellent way if you decide to bring the body to order to the beach season. This type of massage helps lymphatic and blood systems better function, thereby paying you from the problem. However, despite the elementality of the method, it is necessary to carefully select a brush that you can make a massage, since the result depends on this.

What brush take?

- It is preferable to acquire a brush of natural fibers.

- Choose the brush of medium stiffness, since the soft brush will not give the result, but the tough damage the skin.

- Ensure that you are comfortable to keep the brush in your hand, as the massage can take at least 20 minutes.

How to make a massage:

- Massage do always on dry skin, wet it is easy to stretch and get microtraums.

- We start massage from the feet, then slowly moving up to the shoulders.

- Palms and hands rub in the direction of the chest.

- We act neatly in the area of ​​the abdomen: mild movements massaging the stomach counterclockwise. If you have problems in the field of gynecology, the massage of this area is prohibited.

- After the end of the massage, handle the skin with coke or cocoa oil.

Preparing for the summer season

Preparing for the summer season


Coffee scrub

We all know that the coffee is a total anti-cellulite agent. In addition, coffee perfectly affects the condition of the skin, moisturizing it and eliminating the burned particles, and also has a tonic effect.

How to cook scrub:

- Prepare 3 tbsp. l. Sugar, 3 tbsp. Olive oil, half a cup of ground grains.

- Mix coffee with sugar.

- Apply oil on the skin, distribute on all surfaces, then apply coffee with sugar, slightly massage, show more activity in the most problematic areas.

- Wash off the scrub warm water. Repeat the procedure several times a week.

Apple vinegar

Vinegar also encourages an excellent helper in the fight against hated cellulite. It not only helps to remove toxins, but also prevents feeding in areas, most susceptible to cellulite.

How can I use vinegar:

- Mix the vinegar and water in equal amounts. Add honey and apply to problem areas. Leave the composition on the skin for half an hour, then wash off warm water.

- Mix massage oil, such as coconut with vinegar. We put on the skin and thoroughly rub. We repeat several times a week.

- Another good recipe - we mix a teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of cereals, then we apply to problem areas.

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