Intimate plastic: to whom and why it is needed


Intimate plastic - relatively new direction of plastic surgery, but more and more often, patients are addicted to the clinic to solve this problem. Intimate plastic is the topic that is afraid to discuss loud, and, as a result, people have a misconception of one of the important plastic operations. To correct the current picture, I will try to consider in detail and describe the value of intimate plastics for women: for whom it is needed, who should refrain, what are there any contraindications and can there be complications?

Intimate plastic is the correction of aesthetic flaws and the change in the forms of the genital genital organs of a woman or a man. We will talk in an article about the intimate plastic of women.

The importance of intimate plastics for women can not be underestimated - it affects not only the quality of sexual life, but also on health as a whole. Already in ancient India, people resorted to some manipulations on the genitals of a woman, in Moscow, intimate plastic became popular only at the end of the XX century. Today, intimate plastic has ceased to be elite, and its popularity is growing every day. However, not everyone understands that any operation requires good testimony, and the pursuit of fashion is not a reason to go under the knife.

The most popular types of intimate plastics of women

Among the female representatives, labioflasty (plastic of the sex) and vaginoplasty (plastic of the vagina) remain the most popular type of intimate plastic. Hinnoplasty (recovery of virgin splava) and surgical defloration (gap of virgin splava) are more popular in Western countries.

What problems solves intimate plastic?

The labioplasty is treated in the case of the asymmetry of the sexual lips - it can cause discomfort when exercising sports or walking. After childbirth, the picture is often a break of small sexes, so the main proportion of women with this problem is among age from 25 to 30 years. Intimate plastic solves the problem of the clitoris hypertrophy, age-related changes, as well as shown during injuries or unsuccessful intimate zone operations. It is not an exception and aesthetic discontent with an intimate zone - this leads to stiffness and problems in personal life.

Are there contraindications?

Each plastic surgery is definitely a series of contraindications. In our case, this is:

● cardiovascular pathology;

● pregnancy and lactation period;

● inflammatory processes of an intimate zone;

● Venusal diseases;

● menstrual period;

● Acute chronic or infectious diseases.

What is the period of rehabilitation and can there be complications?

Intimate plastic - not a traumatic operation and is usually carried out under local anesthesia, the threads are superimposed self-sessive, so the seams do not need to remove.

For 3-5 days, tissue swells can be maintained, the scars are finally disappearing a month after the operation. Dangerous complications are excluded, possibly small bleeding and discomfort when moving in the first week. A visit to the sauna and the pool after intimate plastics should be canceled for 3-4 weeks, and you can return to sex life in a week.

It is interesting

Guess that the woman had intimate plastic, it is impossible, so you should not be afraid that a man will be able to expose you.

But no matter how high the desire to change sex life, it is important to understand that only a professional with extensive experience can provide a good result, so the selection of the clinic and the surgeon should be approached with all seriousness. I hope that now you will have no question to whom and why you need intimate plastic.

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