Wardrobe from scratch: ideas of the economical organization of space


The organization of storage of things and shoes is not a whim, but the need for a person who likes to maintain order in his house. Often in the apartment where several people live, the storage system is strongly suffering - the clothes are decomposed on the shelves, so it's not clear that you have and what is missing, and shoes lies in boxes on the season of the year. With care about you offers several practical solutions to the problem "I have nothing to wear."

Choose a zone for a dressing room

If you think about the free planning apartment, it means you can afford to determine in advance where the dressing room will be. We advise you to organize it in the zone between the bedroom and the corridor: you wake up, spend the ball procedures, have breakfast, then return to the bedroom to assemble the bag, go through the dressing room and dress, and then immediately leave the apartment - it's convenient.

If you buy a ready-made apartment without a wardrobe, this problem is also easy to solve: build a wall of plasterboard. You need to make a metal frame with two layers at a distance of 20-30 cm, fill it with mineral wool and enjoy the frame of plasterboard. If there is a repair experience, it is possible to organize such a zone for 1-2 days. In the extreme case, some people simply install two curtains and hang curtains on them - it turns out an improvised dressing room.

You can organize a storage space in a couple of days

You can organize a storage space in a couple of days

Photo: unsplash.com.

Organize space inside

You can buy a finished storage system, but do you do not advise you - you will save money, but get a wardrobe with a lot of useless shelves of the wrong height. Better contact the company where it is possible to buy a cabinet to order - plan it with the designer. We advise you to make more rates for clothes, large shelves for bags and multiple drawers for underwear. Look at how celebrity wardrobes are organized - these pictures can push you on an interesting thought. Separately, do not forget to leave a place to store suitcases so that they do not dust in the storage room or your room.

We support order

The simplest thing is to build a dressing room and decompose things in places. But hang them on the shoulders after washing and ironing, hang back into categories or colors - this is what everyone is given with difficulty. However, you must take yourself in your hands and maintain order, regularly rubbing the shelves from dust and the things themselves who can lie there for a long time. Do not turn your reincarnation room in the storage room, where you always stumble about the trash on the floor.

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