Film-kiss: 5 masks from freckles


For someone, freckles are a distinctive feature and subject of pride. But there are people who prevent pigmentation from living, and they want to get rid of specks on the skin or make them less noticeable. We have collected for you several recipes for masks from freckles for different skin types, you can easily prepare them at home.

Fatty skin mask

Mix in equal proportions lemon juice and sour cream, then add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (at a concentration of 10%). Leave for 10 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with water.

Add to the mask sour cream

Add to the mask sour cream


Dry-skin mask

Make an infusion of almond walnut - to pour half a glass of walnuts with boiling water, wait 10 minutes, then drain the water, but not to pour. Scroll nuts in a mixer and add some green tea. Then mix before getting thick mass. Apply to the face of the resulting mask, to hold half an hour and wash off by almond water left after boiling. Repeat the procedure is 14-15 times.

Make an infusion of almond walnut

Make an infusion of almond walnut


Mask for normal skin

Very effective Mask from Prostokvashi. You can simply apply it on your face or add to one of the masks proposed above.

Prostokvash helps

Prostokvash helps


Mask with glycerin and lemon

To prepare the mask you need to take 10 ml. Lemon juice and 20 ml. Glycerin. The resulting mixture should be applied strictly to problem areas for 15 minutes, after which it was washed off with brew whey and thoroughly wash with water.

Lemon - Excellent Whitening

Lemon - Excellent Whitening


Mask from Parsley

You will need two tablespoons of crushed parsley and as much kefir. We apply to face for about 20 minutes, then wash off the water.

Make ice cubes with parsley

Make ice cubes with parsley


Also, parsley can be used to prepare ice. We simply pour 3-4 tablespoons of chopped parsley boiling water, let me cool and put in the freezer. Wipe the face with ice preferably in the evening, before bedtime.

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