How to bring order in the wardrobe


Everything should be in mind

Often we are faced with what we have nothing to wear. All this is due to the fact that we remove things in the distant corner and forget about them. As a result, it turns out that we buy similar clothes, littering a wardrobe. Make all your things lying on the prominent place. So you will save a lot of time during the selection of onions and you can cut spending. When analyzing the wardrobe, it is worth identifying a separate place for each type of things.

Each thing should have its place

Each thing should have its place


Store things on wire hangers can not. They can harm clothing from delicate fabrics. This type of "Holders" is intended only to convey things from a store or dry cleaning. Also worth getting rid of bulky hangers, they occupy a lot of space. It is best to choose their average size, for example, from wood. But you shouldn't choose lacquered too - with them clothes will roll and fall at the bottom of the wardrobe, creating a mess in the closet. The most functional plastic hangers with silicone linings. It is worth noting that hangers should be in size and the same format, then in the closet there will be a full order, and visually it will look good.

Choose the same hangers

Choose the same hangers


Once again it is worth noting that for each type of things it is necessary to determine its regiment. Pants must be stored on one, sweaters - to another, light shirts - on the third. There is one trick. Dark things need to alternate with blond and bright, so they will be immediately noticeable and do not merge with each other.

For T-shirts you can highlight the box. Gently roll them with a roll and put vertically. So they do not remember and will be in sight.

Gently fold things on the shelf

Gently fold things on the shelf


This wardrobe item is better not to remove in long-distance boxes. You can purchase special hangers-holders, on which each scarf will be in place. Such a wardrobe accessory can be easily found in the store. If this is not suitable for you, just fold the scarves with stacks and put on the shelf on the same principle as with clothing.




This accessory takes a lot of space. Each bag that you do not wear is better to hide into a separate case and fill the inside with paper or newspapers. So they will retain their appearance. Large bags can be put on the bottom of the dressing room. Small Crossbody handbags can be hung on holders for scarves or attach hooks for them in the closet.

Bags that you at the moment do not wear, it is better to fill with paper

Bags that you at the moment do not wear, it is better to fill with paper

Underwear and socks

In order to contain these wardrobe items in order, special dividers will use. They can be inserted into the retractable box by creating several small compartments. Socks and stockings are better at once on the pairs to avoid confusion and not spend an extra time.

Different bras should be folded to a cup to a cup, so they will always be available and visible. You can also connect the cups of one bra, and inside put pants from this kit.

For underwear there are special dividers

For underwear there are special dividers


A special module with delimiters will be useful here. Each belt can be collapsed with a roll (but not tight, otherwise there may be chances to form) and put in a separate cell. Or you can hang them on a special hanger and attach it to the cabinet door.

Belts are better twist

Belts are better twist


It is best to store shoes in "native" boxes. They can be glued with a photo of a couple, so as not to spend too much in search. Or you can purchase special transparent boxes. It is worth noting that before cleaning the shoes in the box, it must be cleaned and fill with paper for better safety.

Store footwear in boxes

Store footwear in boxes


When the cold season passes, the question will rise, how to store jackets in order. Fur products must be removed into a special case, they cannot be stored in plastic. Do not forget to put special means against moths, modern drugs do not have a specific smell and perfectly cope with their task.

Keep upper clothes in covers

Keep upper clothes in covers

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