7 tips, how to avoid summer migraine


Perennial observations show that even those people who are not predisposed to the headaches at another time of the year remember in the heat of Migraine. French doctors advised ways to avoid these unpleasant sensations and remain healthy.

Tip No. 1.

To reduce the risk of migraine, drink more water. The lack of fluid leads to violation of all the processes of the organism, including narrowing vessels. Two liters of refreshing beverages per day, this is the norm for an adult. It can be herbal or green tea, freshly squeezed fruit juice, mineral water.

Drink more fluid

Drink more fluid


By the way, the skin is also able to moisturize. Use for this, for example, micellar water or cosmetic milk with a light texture.

Tip number 2.

Avoid direct sunlight. Do not leave the house without a headdress. Use baseball caps, panama, scarves, hats and umbrellas to not overheat.

Wear hats

Wear hats


Especially increases the risk of getting a sunshine work on the street, in the garden, in the garden.

Tip number 3.

Do not get out of the house when the sun is in the zenith. Load the heat peak in the cool room. Put the air conditioning at home, and the windows are preferably darkened. No wonder people in the southern regions of Europe came up with Siesta - this is a healthy tradition tested by centuries.

Stay at home in the heat

Stay at home in the heat


Tip number 4.

If not to avoid a trip for the whole day, be sure to take medicines from headaches. It must be proven pills that are suitable for you. In addition, stock means from nausea and vomiting that migraine can cause.

Wears medicine

Wears medicine


Tip number 5.

Be sure to wear sunglasses. The bright light and the need to pursuer can also cause headaches.

Do not forget about sunglasses

Do not forget about sunglasses


Tip number 6.

In the heat it is necessary to observe the diet. Even if you do not want to eat, you need to eat anything easy. Heavy food is poorly absorbed at this time of year. But if you skip breakfast or dinner, then exchange processes will violate. It can also cause migraine.

Observe the diet

Observe the diet


Tip number 7.

Alcohol in the heat is an additional burden on the body. He is so lacking moisture, and the alcohol dehydrates even more. Even light wine is better to dilute with water so as not to wake up in the morning with the strongest headache. And it is better to give up drinks with elevated degrees.

Refuse alcohol

Refuse alcohol


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