Simple recipes happiness


About women is so much said that it is difficult not to repeat. But I'll try.

What are we, women? Yes, the same, as before, all different, not similar to each other. This is our charm, this is our mystery. But one relatives us without a doubt: we all want to be beautiful, young and loved ones. Only how to achieve a cherished goal, if in the waist is wide, the face of pale, in the wardrobe is not born, but why is there anything else there, from a modern point of view? Although, what kind of old age is 35, 38, 43? But try to look for work at that age or, for example, give birth?

But every day, the young long-legged beauties, with shining skin, shiny hair, a luxurious figure and a snow-white smile, are watching the TV and covers of magazines on us. And the more you look at them, the less you want to look at yourself, because you perfectly understand how far to perfection. We start spending money on expensive creams and masks, running around the salons and gym, to increase the chest and reduce wrinkles, sit on diets and scold parents for not awarded the favorite child's favorite ... But from that moment we will talk more.

For starters ask yourself: for what or for whom do you do all this? Most will answer: for him, loved one.

And remember the famous proverb "taste and color"? Who said that all men like fashion models? Who said to be thin beautiful? And who said that all the beauties are happy? Rather, on the contrary. Most of them in their personal life just a lot of problems. Want examples? You are welcome. The legendary sex symbol, the Eternal Bride of America, Beauty Marilyn Monroe committed suicide because of terrible loneliness and unfortunate love, Australian beauty Nicole Kidman after a divorce with Tom Cruise for a long time could not find his half, and Hubasto-busty Pamela Anderson Hubbee at all Vupil Mortal battle.

There are no better things in Russian beauties. About their unsuccessful marriages, divorces, scandals are written by all who are not too lazy. So, apparently, the beauty is not yet the key to happiness and not a guarantee of eternal love.

Well, what strange tastes in men, do not at all come true! Sometimes they like the most incredible things like shaved naked head of her beloved or curves. Yes, yes, it turns out that such a defect (from our point of view) was at his first love and passion for the X-shaped limbs he carried through all his life !!! And now think, how can we adjust all these tastes? Well, of course not. Trying yourself, you satisfy the cosmetic industry exclusively, enriching it with every minute, but not only your beloved.

Of course, I do not urge you to spit on everything, live in the refrigerator in close proximity to your favorite products, stop using cosmetics and decompose, turning into a toylene. I want you to understand: the secret of our happiness is not in beauty and youth, he is in ourselves. No one will love you if you do not like yourself. And the fact that it is so, I will prove you now.

So, morning. All sleep, you cook breakfast, at the same time sewing a button, tinting eyes and remembering what day today. Next, running to work, sample plug, people, morning and your life. All day, solid nerves, something did not have time, I forgot, confused, broke the stockings and knighted with the boss, which could never say that she needed. In the evening running from work. Return scenario See "Morning". Houses dinner, apartment, lessons in a child and so indefinitely. I will tell you right: this is not life. To change all this, remember two things: we live clean, without drafts, today and now, and it may be better not to be, but worse - easily. Second - if circumstances do not change, change your attitude towards them. That's all. A simple formula that will start applying to life from tomorrow. Two doubles. Again morning.

In order not to start the day from the race and irritation, teach yourself some of the things to do in the evening, it is not difficult at all. But save the mass of time and nerves. Prepare in advance what will go to work tomorrow, bring a handbag, clean the shoes, and then in the morning there is a chance to become kind.

Waking up, refer to the fact that you are not a milkmaid. They get up at 4 am. You will immediately become easier. Make dull and tell me gently: "Good morning, dear!" Well, and if then, going up to the mirror and seeing a pale face, disheveled hair, narrow eyes with white cilia, you cheerfully exclaim: "Well, it is necessary! All people are like people, and I, as always, the most beautiful! " - It will be the highest pilot!

Try! The mood will definitely raise - at least from his own sense of humor. Well, the further process is called a "chain reaction". You do not reveal on the home and, about a miracle, they smile in response, in transport you do not curse your life, but do static gymnastics, periodically straining and relaxing the different muscles of the body, thereby improving your figure. At work, of course, nerves are inevitable. But imagine a simple thing: you are the mistress of your life, and no one has the right to spoil it, no one! And this means that only one of your desire, all working problems can already stay in the past tomorrow. If something is not very satisfied, do at least attempt to change the work, at least in thoughts. And imagine how you will appreciate in a new place, need your experience, thank for ideas and suggestions, and the former boss is to cry and bite elbows from losing such a frame. Do not believe, but the soul will be immediately easier. Indeed, is it worth worrying because of some temporary troubles and people in your fate!

Finally evening! So where?! Where are you carrying? You are beautiful, smart, free woman living in his pleasure! Offer a friend to walk after work to the subway on foot, go to drink a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe, eat airy cupcake, look into your favorite store, buy a cute photo frame or some other pleasant trifle and feel the taste of life! God, how good! You have: (Next choose a suitable) child, family, work, husband, dog, cat, apartment, work ... or vice versa: you are still young and do not have a family, it means everything is ahead. Husband? Why is it necessary? Dog? Who will walk with her? Work? Simply, there is no worthy of you ... And here it is happiness. Rolling like a wave, picks up and carries, filling each cell with joy and fun!

And as soon as you catch this condition, the main desire of a woman - find love - will definitely fulfill! Without expensive cosmetics, diets, breathtaking outfits and bust of the 5th room. Because to love a happy woman is easy and nice, if only she allowed. True, then, when people begin to live together, it is very important to understand how to keep marriage now. But that is another story.

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