You all suffer me: Fashionable things that hate men


When a girl is going to some event or to visit, she almost never turns to the Council to a man. But they should not be underestimated. Men don't care exactly that their women are worn, but not everyone can say that they are not satisfied with her wardrobe. We made a small list of the fact that men would gladly eliminate from your life, if they had such an opportunity.

Decisive no pants!

Not all pants in the eyes of men are equally beautiful. Of course, they do not exclude the possibility of the appearance of this subject of the female wardrobe, but taking into account the fact that they look at the woman. Special dislike men are experiencing to leggings. And indeed, you need to think about it several times before buying tightly visiting you. Try to objectively evaluate your figure and think if you really need them in the absence of perfect forms. Also, men are completely not delivered to the aesthetic pleasure of baggy pants, pants / jeans with too high or low waist. If you still have thongs at the same time, be sure: you have done everything to repel the desire to admire you from the man. Recently, overalls of various styles have also entered the list of the most hated things, according to the male half of the population.

Special dislike men are experiencing to leggings

Special dislike men are experiencing to leggings


Not all dresses are the same

Sometimes it happens that you bought a new dress, and the man did not even understand it. This is especially true for bulk dresses that can be worn with the same legs. A man is difficult to understand this and take. So make sure if you really go on a date in the dress, and not in the tunic. However, men do not feed such a hostility to T-shirts ... Only if you do not call it a dress.

You may be surprised, but the mini skirts are not among the pleasant male glaze of wardrobe items. For them, it is rather a peculiar belt that does not cover absolutely nothing. And if you add your boots to such a skirt-belt, your man will sigh sadly and easily.

You bought a new dress, and the man did not even understand this

You bought a new dress, and the man did not even understand this


Body pantyhose

Thin bodily tights also hit the garbage basket of male consciousness. In order not to strengthen the effect of disgust, do not wear them in winter with black boots and down jacket. In the understanding of men, thin pantyhose is an absolutely useless thing, it is painful to see how the girl is proudly slips with "naked", according to men, legs. It is not clear to them, why wear something that is not visible. So you can choose any other tights, even dense black, even lace, most importantly, not kapron.

In winter, you can choose any tights except Kapron

In winter, you can choose any tights except Kapron


Roasting ornaments and inappropriate decor

If you have bought a spike or blouse with ruffles from Rush, try to hide this fact from a man. Wear it until it is at home. By the way, just also negatively men react to any ribbons.


An interesting fact: one and the same thing in the eyes of a man looks different depending on the color. You can carry out a small experiment to determine which color decision most attracts your man. Most men will choose something bright, they are usually indifferent to pastel colors. In addition, not all men distinguish shades. For them there is no difference, it is blue or turquoise - they will simply say "blue". Another misconception relative to the colors: the absolute majority of men do not like the pink - true female color.

The absolute majority of men do not like pink color

The absolute majority of men do not like pink color


What to wear?

Of course, dresses-cases, narrow jeans, t-shirts, blouses and blouses that do not go beyond the understanding of men.

However, all of us from time to time I want to wear something unusual for a man, but quite understandable to us. Just do not make things causing things to your basic wardrobe, and your man will tell you thanks.

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