5 rapid ways to regain the vigor of the spirit


It happens that the day did not set himself in the morning. In transport to the leg came, I was late for work, the head of the outstand, the colleagues were led, the child fell ill, and the woman never knows in life every day. Of course, we are upset, nervous, worry. But this is not the right emotions, I urgently return the missing mood.

Point self-resistant

Just a few minutes of clicking on the right points on the head and arms, and a smile returns to your face.

Of course, self-massage is not so simple, it takes some time to remember the points on your body, but what is the result! A few minutes and bad thoughts themselves disappear from the head. In addition, having mastered this technique, you can facilitate the symptoms of colds, headache and solve many other problems of your body.

Pass the head

Pass the head


Healthly food

It is known that a hungry man is an evil person. There are such a bad habit in women, how to eat the problem. In order not to suffer from obesity, look carefully on what we eat, we lack all pieces in a row.

When a person is nervous, he needs a protein. Eat a piece of meat - right away. But it is better to raise yourself a mood of a dietary product, for example, almond milk. The same protein, only vegetable.

Protein is and vegetable

Protein is and vegetable


But the chocolate, which I really want, on the contrary, can cause depression.


The smell of citrus gives cheerfulness and raises the mood. Lavender - soothes and configures on a peace-loving way. According to studies of scientists of the neurological clinic at the Vienna Medical University, these flavors reassure patients even in the chair of the dentist.

Pick up your fragrance

Pick up your fragrance


Pick up a pleasant fragrance for yourself and inhale it a few minutes. Stress level should decrease.

Communication with nature

The brief walk in the park, in efficiency you can compare with a tablet of antidepressant or a conversation with a psychologist. But, as it seems to us, a walk is a much more pleasant way to raise yourself mood.

Walk helps raise the mood

Walk helps raise the mood


Talk to a smart person

That is, with themselves. Try to turn the situation in a positive channel. Sometimes it is enough to analyze the problem to understand - no reason for sadness. Do not criticize yourself, but on the contrary praise, smile and do not fall in spirit.

Take yourself by self-analysis

Take yourself by self-analysis


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