What products can not be mixed with alcohol


Winter has come. On the nose New Year and Christmas, which in many homes will not cost without tables with fried, smoked, mayonnaise and other harm, including alcohol. And all fun las, as a rule, not less than a week. As a result: Poor well-being in the first days of the coming year, mainly due to excessive alcohol consumption. Moreover, the problem is not even so much in spirits, sometimes low quality, how many snacks to them. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of products that are frightened with a degrees.


Alcohol combined with chocolate inflicts a powerful blow to the pancreas, which can lead to a serious failure and even to the development of pancreatitis.

Alcohol combined with chocolate inflicts a powerful blow to the pancreas

Alcohol combined with chocolate inflicts a powerful blow to the pancreas

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Energy drinks

As you know, in the energy sector contains caffeine - not the best combination with alcohol. Mixing energy with alcohol, you risk inxicate very quickly, not to mention the load of brain vessels, kidneys are being exposed, cardiac arrhythmia is developing. If you have problems with heart and vessels, do not even think about the combination of alcohol and energy - you can spend all the remaining holidays in the hospital.

Vegetables in marinade

Without this snack, no feast is required. However, do not forget about the high content of vinegar in such blanks, which exposes the liver. When mixing acetic acid with alcohol, the body instantly turns out to be in a state of stress. Therefore, choose salt vegetables as a snack, which are maintained in the body of a water-salt balance. But the best option will be vinaigrette, it includes extremely useful in the use of alcohol vegetables.

When mixing acetic acid with alcohol, the body instantly turns out to be in a state of stress

When mixing acetic acid with alcohol, the body instantly turns out to be in a state of stress

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Carbonated drinks

Drinks with gas - frequent guests of Russian holiday tables. Remember that carbon dioxide irritates the stomach, which contributes to more active absorption of alcohol. Therefore, the person drinks more and more, stopping himself to control. So do not drink alcoholic drinks mineralka, otherwise you risk getting a heavy hangover.

Do not drink alcoholic drinks mineralka, otherwise you risk getting a heavy hangover

Do not drink alcoholic drinks mineralka, otherwise you risk getting a heavy hangover

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Fresh tomatoes

Many adore the combination of tomatoes with alcohol drinks, but you need to remember that such a neighborhood can threaten serious problems with digestion. All due to certain types of acids contained in tomatoes. If you can not imagine a holiday without vodka tomatoes, select tomato juice, which is surprisingly deprived of the negative properties of fresh tomatoes.

Cakes with cream

The cake is not the best combination with alcohol, since the fats contained in the cream form a film that delays alcohol in the body, which is why the splitting of alcohol is delayed, so we feel severity and a long hangover.

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