Male intentions: how to understand what he wants - sex or relationship


So you meet 10-14 days. What kind of manifestations make it clear that your dreams, like the beginning of a joint reality, is clearly more about something more than just sex in your free time?

7 Signs Moving Men on "Serious Relationship":

1. Romance set up at speed time. To the house now they rarely decide, especially after the first date. Even on him both for more time. It is important that in an hour or two after the meeting in the cafe-restaurant he asked: Have you calmly reached your abode Well, unobtrusively expressed satisfaction with the acquaintance and expectation of continuation.

2. I already talked about speed speeds? OK, The most fully man feels "his" in the proximity . And it is not worth it. If energy and actions in the intima hooked it, then the second sex will also be extremely soon. A short gap is important. And yes, in the stage of the second or third sex, he involuntarily can pronounce the pronoun "My" (this is not so important for the word for him: there may be a girl, and any obscent, justified by a passionate moment), the fact of such a form of expression is a big plus.

Male intentions: how to understand what he wants - sex or relationship 45894_1

Do not postpone the sex for a long time - the most fully man feels "his" woman in proximity


3. Even in a short time, it can Involve you in your life . This, by the way, care from a typical schedule: work-sex. Bad, if it's just dinner in a cafe, if only it is not on four. Yes, acquaintance with his old friend and his girlfriend (wife) is your way out of the status of "invisible." The standard dinner together in the restaurant is more like a tick-duty, justifying the subsequent sex. Therefore, even a joint view of football or a film much more productive.

four. Overnight stay at home On his initiative (4-6 meeting).

5. He is not just Interested in your deeds About by the way, but remembers the details and, conditionally, in the day it clarifies the development of situations from the previously heard.

6. When you speak with friends / parents by phone (not on the balcony or in another room), and his manner of communication with them is not very different from communicating with you.

Pay attention to how the man involves you in your life

Pay attention to how the man involves you in your life


7. Does not leave questions on topics Errors of the past , as well as initiates conversations about the future.

If everything is so, then the chance that he is not just a polite man or a deft deceiver, but sincerely interested in you man is extremely great.

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