Live stories: "Yoga saved me"


Have you been able to overcome yourself, change your external or inner state? Tell about it! Send your transformation history by mail: [email protected]. In the meantime, we read one of them:

"I saved Yoga. Probably, the word "saved" someone will seem exaggeration - I did not die, did not sore and did not be furious on the street, for example. But life passed as if: the work in the office was associated with the serving of the necessary service, the money was constantly lacking, and when they appeared, they were very quickly "merged" to some kind of nonsense, personal relationships appeared, then ended - however, it did not become For me, the tragedy. Such a sluggish movement to nowhere.

Then I realized that we regularly dinner and save my usual weight is no longer obtained. So it was decided to "start something to do." At first there was a fitness room, then dancing. At the stage of the pool, I realized that one is hard and boring. The problem was that the only girlfriend, with which I was ready to divide the gravity of the slimming process, was already engaged. Yoga. And I was long offered to join her, but I categorically did not understand and did not believe that a similar type of activity could help something. On the first lesson went from hopelessness, on the second - already with curiosity, and in the third, I realized that I found my dosushin. Probably, a teacher is very important, I was lucky with him.

Now I am so passionate about this that I started learning to change the scope of activity and also start teaching when the experience and level of knowledge will allow. My body has changed, and my attitude to life - as if someone included inside the light. True, personal life has not yet improved. But now I'm looking for completely different relationships. And this story is not about the fact that yoga or any other occupation suddenly, in the manual of the magic wand, will solve all your problems, but about what you need to look for your own and not be afraid to try contrary to stereotypes, even with your own. What everyone and I wish. "

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