Change time: We free the wardrobe from too much


While we spend most of the time at home, why not do the sorting of things, because you probably use only a third of all clothes, despite the filled shelves in the closet. We will tell you how to organize space in the closet and stop thinking about what you have nothing to wear.

Prepare a place

To begin with, pull out all things and thoroughly wipe the shelves from dust, replace the hangers, best on wooden, as silk blouses will not slip with them. If you have long planned to split the wardrobe, now it's time to purchase additional shelves or boxes for things.

Next, we divide all things into four categories: "To hang it back," you can still use, "" Give "and" throw out ".

Determine how to get rid of things

Experienced stylists advise the use of the Rule of Three Months. As a rule, if you did not wear a thing for several months, it will not be a problem for you to get rid of this thing. Three months - a sufficient period to determine, you need a thing or not. 90 days can safely throw out a thing that has checked on the hanger all this time.

Making several images

Each of the things make up at least three images. That which did not fit into either one of the images, no doubt or, if the thing is in good condition, give. No need to store a skirt or a size dress less, hoping that one day you will get into her. We assure the thing so it will be dust in the closet.

We distribute things for the seasons

No need to store absolutely all things in one place. You will not be easy to find a suitable blouse or jeans when you hurry, and in front of you a huge mountain of things. Each season, change part of things, for example, in the spring-summer wardrobe, there is definitely no place to sweaters, and in winter we shift the tops on the far shelf or in a nearby cabinet.

Make a list of purchases

Most often, the chaos in the wardrobe occurs due to rampant purchases, since most of us are difficult to resist the temptation to buy, say, a jacket, which is not combined with anything, but we cannot go past. When such non-format things are recruited a decent amount, we begin to experience problems with the selection of things, although, at first glance, there is from what to choose. Try to treat shop more seriously, and do not succumb to sudden pulses, so always make a list of necessary things to avoid spontaneous purchases.

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