

Bullov 45701_1

Mark woke up at 5:22 am: Bashed the head. For this pain for many years he is used to. Even in the ability to work in ambulance, the young people-resuscitative Liventon learned to classify pain in colors. To somehow distract yourself and survive the migraine, he gave her shades of the name. The weakest was "yellow", and then went on increasing: turquoise, purple, red, brown. Now Mark thought about pain: "White". It was a higher score on his personal scale. White means so strong that the paints and the flower of the surrounding world do not notice.

He helped others, but could not get rid of his main alend. Migraine, alas, doctors still have not learned to predict or stop. Yesterday, Mark returned after the concert squeezed, like a lemon, but absolutely healthy, and now there was a desire to throw on the walls. He had not worked for a long time at the ambulance, became a popular author-performer author who was touring with a guitar across the country and abroad. But Migraine remained with him forever, since the first after the end of the Institute of the Year, when he experienced his main shock in life.

At the concert, everything was type-top. The hall took warmth and responded to his slightest mental movement, picking up the words of well-known songs from the first couplet, but something bothered a brand, not giving relaxing. Already in fifteen minutes, he felt dryly at the beginning of the concert a shirt on his back was wet - at least squeeze. Livenson suddenly flashed: "Those two places on the first row are not occupied on the left. Although they are service, and the doctor and fireman must be sitting on them. " "Well, what, what are not busy?" He continued a mental dialogue with himself. Next, which came up in the head, as if someone was writing, there was a name: "Tanka". He stopped at the middle of the song for a second, and a uncomfortable pause was almost hung in the hall, but professionalism took her. That evening, and the annoying female name, and all the memories of Mark from themselves were driven. But at five in the morning they returned to boomerang, and the head began to split as if several discontinuous bullets were injured in it. Mark went to the kitchen and poured fifty brandy for himself, though it was tied up, and drank "Ararat" volley.

Tanka was the queen of the courtyard. At the station street in a small Pushkin of the Leningrad region, everyone looked at her: from boys of elementary school to solid front-line, who even went in shape. With Tankka, he first got into the most famous Hall of Leningrad "November". At his sixteenth birthday, the Father, who worked at the concerts by a duty officer, spent them and planted on official places. Who performed - the memory for unnecessary sample. With Tankka, he was first kissed under a torrential rain, because of the tanks came up with his best friend Igor's boss.

They met her together when Tanka was six, and the brand with Igorka on eight. Local children gathered at an abandoned red brick house. The guys played in Chizhi, the Cossacks-robbers, girls jumped through the rope. The dexterous Mark often won in the games, and slow Igorek passed. But he had two treasures - a German tiny steam locomotive and porcelain ballerina with a repulsed hand, a father's trophy, brought from liberated Prague. Igorka's father often talked about the beauties of the distant city. One of the first songs Mark was born precisely under the influence of these stories.

I dreamed that I live somewhere in Prague,

What's on the courtyard back, a hundred years,

And restless Vatagi

On the streets, which now there is no ...

From the song about distant Prague, Bardovskaya Career Mark began: he won the competition of young performers, they went to the radio and TV, the charming doctor began to invite participation in concerts, and finally, completely lured to work in Philharmonic. By that time he lost Igorka from the view, only sometimes he received postcards from a distant North Morsk on his birthday. In the end, the postcards also ended.

It is the treasures of Igorka who attract a thin on their company, as the Mink, but already then possessing female magnetism tank. Her hair was twisted with small rings and neatly tied with a red satin ribbon. The covered shed sarafan was decorated with a thread of a multi-colored glass shining in the sun, and on his hand was a glazed glass bracelet. But this was not struck then the brand. With the rave hair on all shoulders, the tanks were scattered large freckles, like red people. And she had the same "redhead" - all that she wanted, she knew how to seek. Tanka laid an eye on a porcelain ballerina, and after a week she became her owner, to the great chagrin of a strict mom of the head.

In front of the winter holidays, the boys first came to visit their girlfriend. And they saw over the chest, neatly covered napkin, a big picture. Angel beauty woman was sitting on a raven horse, near the scaled dog of the coloder. On the veranda there was a girl with a porcelain face and the same as that of Tanka, hairstyle. Only dressed she was like a doll: in lace pantalon with a ballroom.

"This is my mother, and this is, when I was small," the tank explained, showing the picture.

- And where is the dog now? He clarified Igor, who loved all the pieces and regularly wore them home.

"We gave the dog when Mom left." Here will come back, new will be heading.

The boys penetrated the tank even greater respect. Beautiful mother on horseback, Barskaya veranda, thoroughbred dogs and tank itself, for some reason, it was now in a barrack with chimney heating, they said that there is a big mystery in her life, which girl proudly wore.

A year later, Mark saw a tank and her mother on turn in the magazine "Spark" and gladly boasts to parents, which is familiar with the beautiful lady in jewels.

- What about about? - Ssed the father and looked around. "Mark, this is a picture of Karl Bryullov" Horseman ", it shows the Countess Samoilov with a receptional daughter. And the mother of your girlfriend is in prison for fraud, grandma one tank raises.

Read the previous chapter of the book here, and the next one is here.

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