How to "disable" the head during sex


In the intimate sphere of man often arises many problems. However, this area of ​​human life is usually not discussed in wide circles. A frequent obstacle to a full sex life in women is the inability to "disable" the head and relax.

An almost every woman is familiar to the situation when the very moment of proximity to his man comes, and in the head completely distracted thoughts like "need to sign up for a massage", "Is it worth this handbag?", "Meet mom at the station on Saturday or order She has a taxi. " Agree, it is difficult to surrender to emotions and feelings when the head is clogged with unauthorized issues, which, as it seems to a woman, you need to solve it now.

In the intimate sphere of man often arises many problems.

In the intimate sphere of man often arises many problems.


To discard unnecessary obsessive thoughts, try to master the effective practices of relaxation. They will be useful not only before sex, but just in everyday life at the end of the day.

Try to relax often. Try every day, at least gradually. Knowing our crazy life with her mad rhythm, relaxation becomes not just Blazh, but a necessity to preserve and maintain mental health. Suppose you had a busy day, you performed a responsible order, worried, be sure to find the time at the end of the day to bring thoughts in order, do in physical exercises. Notice, the state of anxiety can grow into chronic.

Practice that deserves attention is felting

Practice that deserves attention is felting


There are a lot of practices, you can try at least a few of them, but to perform them regularly, it is not so difficult to spend 15 minutes on a simple exercise.

One of the most effective practices is shaking . Turn on the music or do in silence. The bottom line is to witness the whole body: hands, head, legs. Please note that you need to constantly change rhythm, otherwise your muscles will be relaxed, while others are in tension. The main thing is to make this practice in a good mood. Listen to your body, do not think about anything.

Another practice that deserves attention is wallow . It is done like this: go to the floor and start rolling with a side on the side, with all the body clinging to the floor, try to cover the maximum area. But do it slowly, giving up sensations. Believe me, the practice is very effective.

In cases where it is not turned on and shaking, try trying Respiratory exercise . It is done very easily and simple. You inhale, collect the accumulated voltage in the body, and then breathe sharply. After 10 minutes you will feel real relief.

Try breathing exercise

Try breathing exercise


One pleasant way to relax is also Dance barefoot . Alternate fast and slow compositions so that your muscles can move from one state to another. Ask your homework you do not disturb, just so you can relax. The essence of this dance is not to seduce a man, you must reveal to yourself, find your natural start. If you want to go, then climb into the skin of some animal on your choice. As you know, due to stress, adrenaline is produced, which is useful in the afternoon when performing some important task, but in the evening he is at all for nothing, since with an elevated level of adrenaline to relax and get pleasure during sex you will not succeed. So the dance will be as impossible by the way.

Try Breathing belly . Inhale until the stomach is rounded like a balloon, then exhale, also cycling the stomach so that he blossoms and accepted its original position. The most convenient to perform this exercise will be the position when you lie on the back. Feet so care so that they are bent in the knees. So you will relax the stomach and lower back. Put one hand on the chest, and the second - on the stomach. Carefully make sure that the respiratory process takes place through the stomach, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Exercise is simple, it can be easily performed every day.

One pleasant way to relax is the dance barefoot

One pleasant way to relax is the dance barefoot


According to many psychologists, any woman is born to settle and enjoy the most. Yoga believes that women's energy, which is the energy of pleasure and energy of the second chakra, is in the uterus. If in the head chaos, the path to pleasures is closed to you, as pleasure is not about the head, but about the body. Therefore, it is so important to learn to hear your body, for what is required to free the head. Then sex for you both will only become a pleasant pastime on which you can not complain.

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