What feelings and actions will help to overcome the crisis: useful recommendations for 2020


The Chinese Astrology Method Ba Tzu has one undeniable advantage - it always offers scenarios from the crisis. Agree, it is important. When you can balance yourself and strengthen your immunity, the chances of staying healthy and strong increase significantly.

According to this teaching, all diseases arise from excessive yin and yang. Traditional Chinese medicine, which over the Millennium treats people, teaches the same. The gentlemen are harmful, and the human body has amazing balancing abilities. Give the body the necessary energy, and he will cure himself. Let us give a list of actions that this year will help you to plan.

Open everything new, learn, Improve, change the angle of view on the usual things. A non-standard hike is useful - go out for the previous frames, try something new, awaken creative energy in yourself. It does not always happen so useful update energy.

Do charity, help less successful.

Eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits. Drink herbal teas, fees.

Manifestations of love, tenderness are now relevant as ever - we can do not with everyone, but tactile contact is very important for people. See melodramas, comedy. Migrating a fireplace, candles more often. Go to the bath. Eat in food warming spices - turmeric, ginger, cinnamon.

The most popular directions of medicine this year are phytotherapy, homeopathy and massage

The most popular directions of medicine this year are phytotherapy, homeopathy and massage

Photo: unsplash.com.

All vegetables and fruits are helpful. Communication with pets will also feed you with energy. Do mental activity, train your brain, try to think positively, laugh more. So far there is a ban on mass events, see online broadcasts from world museums, concerts, increase your cultural level.

This year, meat from many positions is more useful than fish and seafood, it creates the most necessary equilibrium in the body. Especially useful turkey, chicken, beef, lamb. Prepare a full dinner without frills, because there is a tendency to accumulate fats and slowing the metabolism processes in the body.

It is useful to be closer to Earth - work in the garden, plant flowers and plants, take care of them.

This year, long-term heat treatment of products is useful - prepare the boobs, casserole, puddings, stew vegetables. By the way, raw foods in pure form brings more harm than good, thermal processing must be present. These are the features of our digestion.

The most popular directions of medicine this year are phytotherapy, homeopathy and massage. They will be the most effective methods of prevention.

All cereals are useful. It is curious to notice that the crisis of this year began with their deficit on the shelves. This energy is really in shortness now, and it is necessary to fill it.

It is useful to drink boiled water, prepare compotes from dried fruits and berry fruits. Ginger, sea buckthorn, lemon, herbal teas, carcade, rosehip will help to fill the missing puzzle elements for our body.

Compassion, cordiality, trust, harmony with the outside world - feelings and actions that will help overcome the crisis of this year. Cardicity can also be trained, like any useful habit, by clicking the fingers it does not come.

Any our action must be conscious, connect the intelligence and think about the actions and consequences of your actions. Now, more than ever, the ability to quickly adapt to change - make them part of your life, do not waste time to fight and deny anything.

Remember that the power of the transformation is always enclosed inside, everything first happens in the heart of a person, and then these changes become your reality. There is a necessary vibration, and it will attract.

In the next publication, we raise the curtain of secrecy and look at the same eye in 2021. Its trends will help to understand what awaits us after the crisis.

And about what is really needed food, read here.

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