Program "Good Morning"


Useful sometimes watch the series about doctors. From the next series about Dr. Howus, the audience, for example, learned that the lack of a group of vitamins of the group in entails an increased sense of guilt. Many reasons may cause this shortage, one of which is a gripped alcohol inspection on the eve of the evening. It turns out that the recipe for the fight against the all-consuming feeling of shame was found to be found in the dose of Vitamin V. Then in the shower, which was attached inside the softening after yesterday's body, peace and peace.

This is a great, wonderful discovery, because the feeling of shame, multiplied with a hangover headache and an unpleasant raffle, can naturally be crazy. The point is left for small - to get rid of pain with Ruffle, too. For complete happiness.

Shamans with Tahiti and ancient Chinese

In fact, the aforementioned vitamins of the group are good not only for especially fit. They, for example, can protect your body as a whole and the liver in particular from toxic substances contained in alcohol. And lovers wander stop halfway: Vitamin B15 reduces the thrust to alcohol and returns to a healthy lifestyle. Also - for the reference - the symptoms of abstinence reduce vitamins, A and C. About this, by the way, shamans and lykari from different ends of light years ago intuitively guessed. When the vitamins also knew not to know.

Eggs, cereals, meat and offal, as well as some types of fish - just pantry indispensable with vitamins hangover. No wonder, for example, the British is no longer the first century "get better" by oatmeal, Shamans with Tahiti are preparing a fish salad on an ancient recipe (raw tuna ahead with tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, lemon juice and clove pepper, they say, wonders), and Mongols and It is preferred to treat the square after yesterday's head with the help of crowded brands. How many specifically the eye of an innocently killed animal is required for one person, what should they be colors and whether the age of the age and the breed of the lamb is found to find out, the truth has failed. A similar recipe, by the way, is both by the Chinese: to deal with the consequences of alcohol libations they advise how to strike horsepower. At least it is this recipe for various sources attribute to ancient-day origin. True, modern residents of the Middle Kingdom with this way of healing are not familiar and comment on it strongly refuse.

To adapt all these wonderful methods to today's reality is easy, the main thing is to catch a fundamental point: the plate satisfying and whenever possible hot food prepared from fresh, not too fatty products of animal origin, is able to cause magical recovery in the shortest possible time. After all, this conclusion can be done by studying all the above-mentioned recipes. Interestingly, is it suitable for this rule the portion of the Chinese fast cooking noodle, which sometimes wants so desperately with a hangover? Is it a product of animal origin, is it rich in vitamins A, C and B? Or is it here? Does anyone and healing properties lie in the magic ingredients E987 and E324? Alas, but also to this question, the Chinese friends could not answer anything intelligible.

Legends and myths of ancient Greece

Ancient Greeks or Romans simply could not not know about hangover. After all, as many as hedonism triumphed, it was then that a reason to drink almost every day that the sacrifice would happen to someone from the gods, then the war will end with a crushing account in our favor ... In general, the wine glass is clearly not separated. Therefore, recipes from our sublime foreframes, of course, can also be adopted. So, the leaders of the hit parade of the funds from abstinence in the Roman Empire were baked ladies, the ash from the burned beaks of swallows and sovic eggs. The latter, in particular, the Ancient Roman historian Pliny Senior punished in the morning, exclusively raw and two pieces on the face.

More humane in relation to innocent fauna were the ancient Greeks. Avoid the treatment of animal products, and in general, the fancy torment, in their opinion, was easier than simple: you just need to put a wreath on the head of Parsley or Celery during a feast. And drinking as much as you like. This accessory was confident by the Greeks, possessed a miraculous force and guaranteed a good morning the next day. It would be necessary to take advice to armared and dress up the goddess Athena for the New Year. What if the truth will help?

Another busy remedy for abstinence: an odd amount of pins stuck in a bottle tube, cutting on the eve, remove the headache and relieve unpleasant tremor. Not quite a culinary recipe, but exotic - from the Shaman Voodoo themselves. In the end, there are people who are adopted in the morning of the first and second January will seem shaped mockery. If you are of these, do not forget to keep at least one stopper from the evening. Put it, let's say in your pocket. Or under the Christmas tree.

Wreaths, needles, beaks, eyes and other exotic - it is certainly good and informative. But let's be frank: the Russian person is still much easier to reach the refrigerator and knock over the floor cans from cucumbers or sauerkraut. Science is only "for" - pickles have long been recognized as doctors as an ideal antipocrine agent. Even the pharmaceutical industry, and that produces soluble medicines with a composition close to this elixirome life.

And everything began with the fact that in St. Petersburg, Peter I lived one Tibetan zone with the Caucasian surname Badmaev. During the war, he invented the recipes of drinks capable of restoring the power of soldiers. One of these drugs was brine, and Badmaev did a bet on its antiseptic and energy properties. The suggestion of the sign was confirmed: the brine was really able to put the tired and exhausted soldiers on their feet faster than sleep and rest. And this is not surprising: after large physical exertion, the body needs to restore the salt balance, and the brine copes with this task excellent. True, the resourceful soldiers immediately revealed another remarkable property of this drink: after a rapid night with the self-moon and a minimum snack, a couple of glasses of pickles helped to come faster than tea, broth, water and other folk remedies. By the way, the compote from dried fruits, dense, welded soup and ... Wovenka has similar properties. The latter is not needed, it is enough to get into them on a boss foot and sit - see, let's say, TV. Sheep wool will warm her legs, expand the vessels and restore the blood circulation of the whole body. Recipe tested by Peter I, by the way.

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