We remove unnecessary: ​​how to make a dry brush massage


One of the most popular massage techniques known as Dribshing. A big plus of this variety of massage is the ability to perform her at home on their own. We will tell you how to choose a brush, as well as recall the basic rules for efficient massages that will help prepare your body to the beach season.

An ideal brush - what is she?

The modern market offers such a huge selection of brushes for massage, which is not difficult to get lost in such a variety. All brushes are divided according to the form, the method of application, size and the degree of stiffness of the bristles. As for the last item, here you must focus on your own feelings, since only you know how sensitive your skin is. We recommend to look at brushes with natural bristles to avoid injury to the skin.

The size of the brush depends on which zones you plan to work. To get rid of cellulite on the legs, hips and stomach it is best to choose a brush on a long handle, and for gentle zones like neck, hands and sometimes faces are suitable for compact brushes resembling dental.

Choose a suitable brush

Choose a suitable brush

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Making massage correct

Massage is best planned for the evening, since one of the final stages of massage should be shower. We begin to perform a massage with a stop, slowly lifting up. Your task is to disperse lymphotok, moving up soft circular motions from below.

It is not necessary to exercise excessive diligence, with force pressed on the skin, so you only damage the skin without solving the cellulite problem. More effect you will achieve, paying for every zone for several minutes, for example, knees experts advise to devote at least 1.5 minutes to improve blood circulation, thereby strengthening the joints. Next, we move to the thighs, where, as a rule, is the "epicenter" of cellulite. After studying the hips, go to the buttocks, sides and, if necessary, back. Do not forget about the hands and zone of the shoulders - the skin in these areas also needs attention

After completion of the procedure, easy redness is allowed, but the irritation should alert you - most likely you have chosen too tough brush or make a massage too aggressive. At the end of the procedure, take a shower to remove the scales that you took off the brush. When the skin snacks, you can cause your favorite oil or cream.

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