Imitation models: Become as Natalia Vodyanova and Irina Shayk


Probably there is no such a girl who, luxurious glossy magazines, would not dream to become a model. This profession is wanted by Fler romance and associated with Dolce Vita. And let the models themselves - be it Natalia Vodyanova or Irina Shayk - emphasize in his interview, how difficult for their work, as a changeable Fortuna and a car driver, nevertheless it stops.

How to become a model? In principle, you can go on the most simple way: make yourself a portfolio and send to all model agencies. However, it is not a fact that you will be seen and marked - competition today is just huge. There is a second way - to go to school models. Today there are many such schools. The main thing is to decide what you want to get at the exit. How to get to such school? And do you need to have parameters 90-60-90 to be marked by professionals?

"To date, there is a demand for completely different types and appearance," says Natalia Kovaleva, President of the modeling agency and school of ICONIC models. - That is why our models in our school we take absolutely all. Yes, there are age limits from 12 to 28 years, but this is perhaps the only limitation. We want to reveal the potential of everyone who came to us, and if necessary, then adjust individual moments. For example, if a full girl or a young man addressed the agency, we help to make a right diet, create conditions for fitness classes. If a person is coming with a psychological clamp, shy, insecure, we have a psychotherapist who pays a lot of time to help the student find a common language with others. We have no restrictions and frameworks, we work with everyone.

One way to go to school models

One way to go to school models

- Why did a girl or a young man enter the school models in general? What can such a special way to teach?

- Surprisingly, even today, in 2018, you can meet people with a mentality of the 90s, who believe that model agencies are a factory for the production of escort services. It is difficult for them to explain that now another time, and no one takes the passport among girls, leaving the border into sexual slavery. For what personally, I opened a modeling agency: I had a stunning childhood, we played with friends, spent a lot of time together, and, of course, there was no computers. My first computer appeared at 21, when I arrived in Moscow, before that, I just didn't need me. I did everything on my own, developed. I say this to the fact that today the children are so tied to their gadgets that they have no time for real communication, nor that much worse, desire. If they are developing, then in a very narrow direction. They do not have elementary communication skills, they do not pay enough attention to their appearance. The only example that the child sees in front of himself is his parents. Often, this example is not the best, and adults simply do not know how to educate children. So, the goal of my work is not that each of the students of our school is on the cover of the glossy magazine. I created a kind club for youth, a place where the guys come to communicate. And they do it! Conduct together time, go to walk, in the cinema, share their impressions about studying, etc. It's great!

There are many friends among them, we have even formed our boyz-band, who will soon appear at the reporting concert. In my opinion, it is very cool! I could do so that people could relax, be ourselves, reveal. We have a student, a girl, her height is 149 cm, obviously not a model, right? Not only is it incredibly charismatic, leads a popular blog, so also a talented actress! We help her develop in all these directions. In each student, we reveal something our own. Of course, we have girls who correspond to model standards and are already able to walk on the podium.

- How can a girl do when the car career will end? In addition to getting married.

- The age qualifications in the model business can be divided into three groups: 12-17 years old, 18-23 years and 24-28 years. The girls from the last group have certain experiences, including in personal life, they have their own principles, their clamps, installations, etc. In our agency, there is an individual program for each student. If these are the guys of 24-28 years, then their training begins immediately from psychology, so that it is possible to immediately remove everything too much. Of course, most girls want to wonder. But what if this does not happen? I will give a bright example. Ekaterina Orlova, 30 years old, 12 of which she worked as a model in Russia, China, in Mauritius, etc. Katya knows the overseas market well and has a rich experience that shares the platform created by it. This is an online school with stunning course on theory and practical exercises for those who study the basics of model business, including for our students. Today, Ekaterina Orlova is the academic head of my school, she selects teachers, writes programs, etc. Answering your question, I will say that at the end of the career model, the girl can become a coach, a mentor and transfer his knowledge and experience in this business to the young generation .

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