Nadezhda Lumpova: "After filming in life, there was something that I experienced my heroine"



He - bombed, worker at night, she is a novice web designer in a fashionable media. Love in this relationship in full, but they are from different social layers, they have different interests. These differences in combination with mad passion gradually reach their apogee. And all this happens during the year. They are shaking, parting, converge, love, hate, make love and run away from each other again. What is happening in the heads and hearts of these people, no one understands, but the most interesting, but do they know themselves?

- Hope, for you the role in the film "Another One Year" was the debut. What turned out to be the most difficult on set?

- It was difficult absolutely everything, because it is an acting debut, my first cinema. Before that, I had only some episodes. And then immediately the main role. But Oksana is a sensitive director, she helped me very much. I was lucky with the partner Alexei Filimonov, who played the painting of my heroine's husband. Alexei with Alexey were already familiar, they studied together in Gitis. I remember, I was very afraid of the first shot, terribly nervous. But the whole team, Oksana, the atmosphere, which she created on the site, helped me cope.

- In your first film you had bed scenes. Sometimes even experienced actors they are working hard. How did you cope with them?

- There is nothing special in such scenes. The acting profession provides for this. And I completely trusted Oksana and therefore did not experience fear or shame. Naturally, these scenes were not first shot. We had a rehearsal for rapprochement. So everything went smoothly.

Nadezhda Lumpova:

The role in the film "Another One Year" was the debut for hoping Lumpova. Frame from the film.

- Work on which scene I remember most of all?

- Everything is nice to remember. I revised the movie twice. And when I watched it for the first time, I could not really understand the essence: I looked at myself, on how I looked, remembered that it was connected with one or another frame. And when I looked at the second time, I fired that everything ended that this was no longer returning. Every moment of work was good in its own way. Preparation, when a special car comes in the morning, lucky to the site. Then you go to the costumes, then to the grimers. All this step-by-step training was very interesting.

- Can you spend parallel between your heroines and yourself? Are you married?

- I have a boyfriend.

- But you are familiar with her experiences, or are you in that stage of the relationship when you have not touched the problems of life, financial differences?

"I will say this: at first I had a role in this picture, and then in my life there was something that my heroine experienced.

- It turns out, you could learn about the mistakes of your heroine.

- You correctly told about mistakes: I now know how to act in one situation or another. In general, much, which is shown in the film, occurs in ordinary life. When we shot the scene, where the characters celebrated their divorce, many people from the set said: "Yes, it's like me" or: "We also had it too." And my friends agreed that some situations are very recognizable. I do not want to say that the film is a cut of a married life, inexperienced relationship. But what is shown in it occurs in many couples.

Nadezhda Lumpova:

The picture tells about the relationship of the young couple, in which there are a lot of love and passion, but few common goals in life. Frame from the film "Another year."

- You have with Alexey Filimonov Heroes there are nicknames. Do you have in life?

- I would not want to answer this question, because it is personal. But in general there is. It seems to me that each pair has their nicknames. It is just the degree of proximity of people. And unnecessary proof that these are two native people.

- They have a different social status ...

- I would not say that it is. They started together. We studied in the same city, in one institute. We arrived in Moscow, got married, removed the apartment. And faced with the difficulties of this city, where you always need to do something, seek a certain status. She began to get, and he remained all at the same stage. And not because he is not lucky, he is simply not chasing success. And, probably, it would be possible to close the eyes, endure, survive, but they pulled everything impulsively.

"I don't want to say that the film is a cut of a married life, inexperienced relationship. But the fact that it is shown in it occurs from many couples, "says Nadezhda Lumpova. Frame from the painting "Another year."

"I don't want to say that the film is a cut of a married life, inexperienced relationship. But the fact that it is shown in it occurs from many couples, "says Nadezhda Lumpova. Frame from the painting "Another year."

- You are also not like Moscow?

- Yes, I am from the city of Solikamsk, this is the Perm region.

- And at what age came to Moscow? How did she bother you?

- At first everything was quite easy. At the age of 16, I graduated from school, I arrived in Moscow and immediately entered Gitis to Oleg Lvovich Kudryashov. And the difficulties began when I graduated from Gitis. It was necessary to somehow get settled, start an adult acting life. And it did not happen immediately. Three years after the release, I did not happen. There was only one play, which we released with classmates, "Grandma" in the "Practice" theater, it was put by our teacher Svetlana Farkakov. Now, when I remember this, I think: how did I live? After all, I removed the room, something did something. It was indeed difficult. But this is very typical for the actor, first of all there should be luck. For three years I did not have it. And then Oksana Bychkov appeared. This meeting was my main success.

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