8 products that can be eating no harm for the figure


With the onset of night, the desire to open the refrigerator increases, did not notice? It is not worth limiting yourself, the more we will tell you what products to keep at hand in case of a night "raid".

Two problems of a woman from the top ten - it does not work out before bedtime and it is impossible to lose weight. And one follows from the other, so it is necessary to solve both problems together. It is quite difficult to have people who are late returned home and prefer late dinner with early breakfast. Let's figure out what to cook dinner so as not to suffer remorse of conscience after.

There are many recipes, how to cook low-calorie mushroom dishes

There are many recipes, how to cook low-calorie mushroom dishes

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


We do not encourage to fry a huge frying pan of mushrooms in a fruit sauce. The best solution will prepare a handful of mushrooms for a couple or boil them. There are many recipes how to prepare low-calorie dishes from mushrooms, but it is very tasty. With great care, we will take care of pickled mushrooms, as in this form they can hardly hit the liver.

Apples baked in the oven

Apples baked in the oven

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Apples baked in the oven

What baked apples is the most important point. Fresh fruits will only strengthen appetite, and you get even more instead of loss of calories. Even from one fresh apple you may want to add it to fried chicken or sandwich with bacon. Therefore, just bake them. It is even better before baking to pour them with honey and sprinkle with a small amount of sugar, thereby turning into dessert. Another plus of this dish is the content of substances that will help you sleep.

Chicken breast

Chicken breast

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Chicken breast

One of the most dietary products is a chicken breast, it contains a large amount of protein and very little fats. You can not just cook the breast, but also bake it, the meat will still save the beneficial properties. So, having decided to eat a snack sandwich with sausage, think and replace the sausage on chicken meat.

Almond nuts

Almond nuts

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Almond nuts

Night snack can be supplemented with nuts, they are very nutritious. You will need a little bit - 5-10 pieces. Despite all the benefits of nuts, you need to know the measure, because this is a very high calorie product. Try to eat nuts in small portions and certainly not every day.



Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


The beauty of the porridge is that it can be welded for breakfast, for lunch and even for dinner, but it will not bear harm in the figure - provided that you will cook it on water, and not on milk, without adding sugar and jam. If you can not eat "empty" porridge, add a bit of honey and dried fruits.



Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Not everyone "digest" taste and smell of raw celery, but probably it is the most popular product for weight loss in the world. Celery Calorie - 16 calories per 100 grams. It is enriched with plenty of fiber, so you quite have several grams of product for full saturation. A small lifhack for losing weight: Cut celery with small pieces and fry with the addition of olive oil - this dish will remind the fried potatoes, but the benefit from celery is much more.



Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


A small portion of rolls can be a good dinner (only 350 kilocalories). Of course, sushi is not the most useful dish, but if you compare with the same sandwich, rolls contain five times less calories. However, there is one thing: only freshly welded rolls can be absolutely harmless to the figure, and therefore you will have to cook them yourself, and this is not so simple.



Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


If you are constantly sitting on diets, it is possible that you have a calcium deficiency. In this situation, milk will come to the rescue. In addition to calcium, milk contains a number of acids important for the body - more than 20 items. However, milk should not be carried away due to the high content of lactose.

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