Master class: I fix posture


Many people lead an eternal dispute: what person can be called beautiful. The personal coach Evgenia Mazur has its own answer: first of all, who has the right posture. It is not for nothing that someone from the wise men, "the seventh secret of true beauty and health is the power of the right posture! The posture affects the mood, emotions and physical condition. " And indeed: who in twisted, sump and bent down a person can consider beauty? The gravity forces are inexlaries, they are 24 hours a day pull down, twisted, fold, change passively currently currently by the flow of people beyond recognition - even during sleep, when people do not control themselves.

"Scientifly established fact: gravity is your ally if you have the right posture," says Eugene. - Muscles must be balanced. Only so the body will be able to withstand the strength of gravity, which pulls down. If you have strong and elastic muscles, you will be able to keep the beautiful and correct posture. In a sudial person, breast muscles are shortened. And at the same time, the muscles of the back are lengthened and weaken.

What should be remembered: when the muscles of the back surface neck are overwhelmed - the most short, which are attached to the backbone, is provoked by the entire front structure of the neck ahead and the appearance of a sagging double chin, the operation of the occipital lymph nodes is blocked,

What leads to the edema of the eyes, the whole face and neck. Comatestly changes the lumbar deflection, which indicates the fours of the fatter of the sides (especially this is noticeable from behind). "

By the way, your muscles are in constant work, even if you are far from the gym, and just stand or sit - they hold the body in a given position, otherwise you just fall. They (muscles) in constant struggle with gravity. And if the muscles are not balanced (some are pulled, others generally forgot what they are), dysfunction occurs. A person begins to hurt more often, without noticing small ailments. And then there is a vicious circle at all: I'm squeezing, you compress, twist even more, and twisting and shrinking, - more often and tangible. So the phrase "disease does not paint" - a real fact.

Specialists in the voice assure: no most magical exercises and diet will help get rid of this kind of states until you seriously do "production" (from the word "Stan") of the entire corps. And even the plastic surgeon can only cut off the extension fragments of the skin, but not to lengthen the neck, but by contrast, only shores it, since any scarmers and scars create muscle hypertonus on the spot of these worst scars and scars (in this case, the head simply " on shoulders). Remember that, according to the conclusions of the World Health Organization, 65% of your beauty depends on the lifestyle (sports, the right food, sleep), just 15% - from genetic predisposition, 20% - from the efforts of specialists in white coats (doctors, cosmetologists , Masseurs).

That is why the personal coach Evgeny Mazur assures: everything is in your hands! And youth, and beauty, and health - the basis of your beauty. And you can do gymnastics directly in the office. Normal Fizkult-five-minute! We grow up, dare and ... grow up!

And immediately - a centimeter for four! Yes, yes, it is possible! For no reason, after all, the Golzouorsi assured: "Saving power in our world is a sport."

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

1. Bending. Removal of voltages from the muscles of the front line.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

2. Watching. Removing stresses from back muscles.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

3. Exercise on the development of flexibility, strengthening the back surface muscles, muscle stabilizers during sedentary operation.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

4. Exercise stretches the muscles of the front surface of the thighs, abdomen and ligaments with knees during sedentary work (when legs are pushing).

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

5. Position "Tree". The exercise pulls the inner surface of the hip, increases the elasticity of the ligaments.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

6. "Tail Pose". Exercise allows you to form and hold the correct posture during sedentary work.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

Master class Evgenia Mazur. Photo: Natasha Khramova.

7. Royal posture - Number one exercise for your beauty and health!

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