Tasty and useful: snack that will not harm


During the day, it is impossible to do without snacking, but agree, most of us prefers flour or calorie products that will be in a long time to get rid of the feeling of hunger, but at the same time will add extra centimeters on the waist, which on the eve of the summer season do not need absolutely. We will tell about the variants of the snack that will not bring anything except benefit.


Probably one of the best options for daytime snack. Nuts are quite difficult to digest, but at the same time do not add extra centimeters. In addition, nuts are a invaluable source of vitamins required at any time of the year, and especially now, in the late spring. However, do not forget that harshs are calories, and therefore it is worth carefully follow the size of the portion - it is recommended to eat no more than 30 grams to the day.

Getting ready for the fly

Getting ready for the fly

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


If you can not live without sweet, fruit will greatly replace your favorite, but such harmful sweets. For a useful snack, we recommend choosing fruits rich in fiber, such as apples whose slices you can easily add to yogurt. It is also recommended to eat fruit with a low glycemic index for snacking, such as oranges, kiwi, grapefruits and plums. But, again, do not get drunk.

Dairy products

Unfortunately, not each of us can afford to enjoy dairy products due to lactose intolerance, every fifth facing this problem. If you have no problems with the use of this category of products, we always advise you to keep a little cottage cheese in the refrigerator, kefir or rippy, choose to your taste. Cottage cheese can be perfectly combined with honey and a small amount of nuts.


The drink is just begins to gain popularity in our latitudes, which can not but rejoice. The smoothie is a fruit mixture with a combination with milk or yogurt. Fruits for smoothies You can choose to your taste, but, as we have already talked, it is best to make a choice in favor of fruits of rich fiber.

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