5 Therapeutic properties of young nettle


Suddenly the snow ended and at the end of May the spring was still coming. The first plants appeared with the onset of heat. It is clear that by the law of meanness, weeds feel better. Instead of flowers on flowerbeds, dandelions and sick and the most unpleasant when weeding the plant - nettle.

But do not rush to bring it to the root, leave a couple of bushes just in case. You can not only eat young nettle and salad, it is a good medicine.

Related immunity

For long winter months, the body is weak and can no longer cope with viruses. To replenish the body with vitamins and rapid immunity will help.

Plant contains dozens of useful vitamins and minerals

Plant contains dozens of useful vitamins and minerals


This plant is rich in ascorbic acid - it is four times more in nettles than in Lemon and two than in black currant. Carotine, it is also more here than in carrots, sea buckthorn or sorrel. In addition, this weed contain vitamins of group B, E, K and Minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, boron, selenium, nickel, titanium.

Add fresh leaves and tops of young nettle in salad.

Internal bleeding

Nettle increases blood clotting. Bleeding can be provoked by gynecological problems: childbirth, mioma or cyst, abundant menstruation, abortion, as well as ulcerative sickness of the stomach. They will help to cope with them and facilitate the suffering of a patient with fresh spectacular leaves, diluted with boiled water: one teaspoon of 50 milliliters. Take it necessary three times a day before meals.

Nettle stops blood well

Nettle stops blood well


Sexual dysfunction

With the male problems of nettle, it copes better than any Viagra. It has a fascinating effect on the body, contributes to the improvement of metabolism, restores the work of the genital organs.

Recommended plant is recommended in salads, and its seeds - along with grape wine.

Stop the plant now to enjoy useful tea in the winter

Stop the plant now to enjoy useful tea in the winter


Now is the time to press the spectal leaves of the future. In winter, it will be possible to brew tea that helps with prostatitis, increases the sexual attraction and warns impotence.

Heart diseases

Nettle is useful in cardioneurosis and ischemic heart disease. She is taken in the form of a rague course in two months. Five tablespoons of dry leaves of the plant are poured with boiling water and give riser five minutes on low heat. The decoction should be strain, cool and take 50 milliliters for half an hour before meals. You can add honey to improve taste.

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"Beachka" will strengthen the heart


Stones in the kidneys and anguil bubble

The nettle juice will help dissolve the stones, and the decoction of the leaves is to drive out the sand. To do this, it is necessary to take on a tablespoon of freshly prepared juice, every two hours. In the decoction in the treatment of urolithiasis, all the plant is fully, including roots and seeds. Take the drug is necessary on an empty stomach, three times a day. The decoction of the leaves alone has an excellent diuretic effect.

Each time you cook fresh decoction

Each time you cook fresh decoction


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